I can't believe it is the end of June already. I've been trying to stay in the present, but time is still flying. It was suppose to be an Elizabeth day, but she bailed on me to go to Olympia. Audrie and I had a lovely afternoon. Did a few errands. Then we played outside. Went for a walk up to Betty's house and tried to stack some wood. That is better as a one person job.
July looks like it is bringing us two dinner parties, Fourth of July BBQ, and lots of work. I think work has a potluck one evening also. Busy busy. July will probably fly by also.
But staying in the present means we aren't wishing our life away. Just enjoying today whatever it brings. And today was amusing all the way around. Loved karma.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Good Weekends
I feel so blessed. The last several weekends have been good ones. There was a time when that wasn't always the case. So I am enjoying the quiet and the peace. No drama going on.
We weeded the garden today. Dave transplanted some more corn and I planted some cucumber seed. Dave had been having a tough time trying to get cukes started indoors. They would sprout and then die. So I am hoping that by just starting it in the ground we will get some of the yummy cukes that grow on the trellis.
The mower is once again fixed so Dave got the yard mowed. I'll hit Jeannie's this week. She is having her Fourth of July bbq on Sunday this year so she wants it done before then. Works for me. And I like using our mower best.
Rush week starts tomorrow. Yeehaw. We don't even have a rush schedule this time. Methinks our bossman is slacking a bit. Anyway I arranged my schedule at home to accommodate longer hours at the bookstore this week.
We weeded the garden today. Dave transplanted some more corn and I planted some cucumber seed. Dave had been having a tough time trying to get cukes started indoors. They would sprout and then die. So I am hoping that by just starting it in the ground we will get some of the yummy cukes that grow on the trellis.
The mower is once again fixed so Dave got the yard mowed. I'll hit Jeannie's this week. She is having her Fourth of July bbq on Sunday this year so she wants it done before then. Works for me. And I like using our mower best.
Rush week starts tomorrow. Yeehaw. We don't even have a rush schedule this time. Methinks our bossman is slacking a bit. Anyway I arranged my schedule at home to accommodate longer hours at the bookstore this week.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Golden Tusk
My mom has been wanting to go to Golden Tusk for beef and broccoli. It finally worked out last night. Audrie was tired and rambunctious. But before she got too hyper she kept going over to this table with a couple of young women and sitting with them. She would go over and hold her arms up to be picked up and it happened. The woman said her youngest sister was just a month older than Audrie and she didn't seem to mind being a seat for Audrie.
Shortly after we got our food Audrie got much too hyper so we got to-go boxes and left. That is what you do when your child becomes disruptive in a public place.
Shortly after we got our food Audrie got much too hyper so we got to-go boxes and left. That is what you do when your child becomes disruptive in a public place.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Oy and Whew.
Yesterday I had an eye dr. appt. It was suppose to be just a check to see if the medicine was working on a little cloud he saw last time in the scan. He decided that the medicine was working on something as my eyesight got better in that eye. I can't tell in real life though. However, there is fluid in the lining so I got another shot yesterday. Yeehaw. And this time it stands out big time. I think it is the shade of red the blood is. Anyway......
The rifle made it to MN. I am so relieved. I was worried as it can't be replaced. And Lanny should have it even if it had to come from me. I'm sure that Grandpa would approve.
The rifle made it to MN. I am so relieved. I was worried as it can't be replaced. And Lanny should have it even if it had to come from me. I'm sure that Grandpa would approve.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Too Much
Audrie and I went in search of strawberries. On our way through town we saw a little roadside stand so knew we could always stop there if necessary. Off to Ridgefield we went. Thompson's is getting close, but they weren't ready. I then asked Audrie if she would like to see a horse. We hadn't been to Jerry's for awhile (not since Elizabeth used to ride). So we drove over there and enticed Carly to go outside and look at the horses with us. Too Much Power was just loose. Guess she is old enough that she won't wonder off. Audrie had no fear and walked right up to her and started petting her leg.
Since we were there last they added a couple more stalls. So there were eight horses for us to look at and pet. One of them was so huge. I have no idea how people climb up on them. Audrie loved them and loved petting their noses.
We had a nice little visit with Connie. Jerry was off doing Jerry things.
Then on the way back home we stopped in BG and got a half flat of berries.
Strawberry shortcake for Nana and just berries for Audrie. We were both happy.
Since we were there last they added a couple more stalls. So there were eight horses for us to look at and pet. One of them was so huge. I have no idea how people climb up on them. Audrie loved them and loved petting their noses.
We had a nice little visit with Connie. Jerry was off doing Jerry things.
Then on the way back home we stopped in BG and got a half flat of berries.
Strawberry shortcake for Nana and just berries for Audrie. We were both happy.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
History Passed Down
My dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 1988. Part of putting his affairs in order was passing down his hunting rifles. In that process I received one. He told me it was for my son. Well my son made different choices with his life which means he can't own a firearm. So I am stuck with this rifle that I don't need or want. What to do with it. My dad somehow got it from his dad which means it originated with my grandfather. So I am thinking and thinking.
My brother can't have it for the same reason as my child. One of the other three bloodline cousins has the same problem. That leaves two. Since one of those two gets almost the whole kit and caboodle it seems unfair to pass it to him.
So I asked the remaining cousin if he would like it, maybe for his son. Since he received nothing as inheritance from our grandparents I thought it fitting that he be the one it is passed down to. He said he would be honored. And so it is.
We finally got it all packaged up and mailed back to Minnesota from where it came. History passed down the line.
My brother can't have it for the same reason as my child. One of the other three bloodline cousins has the same problem. That leaves two. Since one of those two gets almost the whole kit and caboodle it seems unfair to pass it to him.
So I asked the remaining cousin if he would like it, maybe for his son. Since he received nothing as inheritance from our grandparents I thought it fitting that he be the one it is passed down to. He said he would be honored. And so it is.
We finally got it all packaged up and mailed back to Minnesota from where it came. History passed down the line.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Dinner With May
May made a short return trip up here this week. So everyone from work was invited to come have dinner with her. We had a nice turn out. She only cried once. She gave all of us charms to put on our key rings to remember our night with her always. I took one that said journey. Wonder why? :P I noticed that Monica, our boss, took the same one. Maybe we agree on life in that respect.
I took Audrie and she was so well behaved. She hasn't been all that well-behaved in restaurants as of late, so I haven't been taking her. She was entertained and entertaining. Every one loved her. She only escaped a few times and she really liked it when Heidi caught her. She especially liked the cake. And she ate very neatly...didn't leave any on her face.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday Walk
Papa, Audrie and I went to town today. I needed oil for my car so we dropped the car at the parts store and we strolled around for half an hour. Went over by the park and looked at some houses. Audrie loves riding around in the stroller. Made us decide to look for a trailer to go behind Papa's bike. I'm betting she would love it. It was nice getting out of the house and getting a walk in.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day
The little girls had a blast playing in the utensil drawer. And Papa got so worn out today that he fell asleep in his chair in front of the fire pit. He says he didn't, but he didn't hear me take his picture.
Doug called and had a nice chat. He also sent Dave a Cabella's card so Dave can get some more fishing lures.
Myk is spending his holiday in the county hilton. He made some choices and is suffering the consequences of such. Sounds like when he gets out he may be going to Chehalis for awhile. It is a good plan and we are all in agreement on that.
All in all a good weekend.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Girls' Night

Elizabeth and Adrianna are spending the night. So we decided to have a pedicure night. Elizabeth and I masked our feet and that was nice. Then we all had our toenails painted. Audrie opted to have one hand done instead.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Elizabeth's Potluck
Elizabeth had a potluck today at school. Each class was to bring dishes from a different country. Her class was Italy. So a couple of weeks ago she asked if I would help her make lasagna. Fast forward. Last night she came over and we whipped up one for her potluck and a tiny one for dinner. After feeding her, Tanya, Adrianna and myself there was just a teeny little piece left for Dave.
Papa got baking and delivery duty today. Elizabeth said she would have to carry it to school and that is too far to carry a pan of lasagna and it would have been cold. So Papa baked it and took it to school for her just before the scheduled time. Amazing what a Papa will do for his girls. :)
Papa got baking and delivery duty today. Elizabeth said she would have to carry it to school and that is too far to carry a pan of lasagna and it would have been cold. So Papa baked it and took it to school for her just before the scheduled time. Amazing what a Papa will do for his girls. :)
Monday, June 13, 2011
BBQing with Friends
Our friend David came over for dinner with his daughter and roommate's son. Keenan had never sat around a firepit or roasted marshmallows, so it was quite a treat for him. Audrie got her first taste of an actual roasted marshmallow. The kids ran and ran and wore themselves out. David said his two were asleep before he hit Hockinson. It was great company, with great food and great conversation. David has superb stories to tell.
Sometimes it is hard to invite people to our sanctuary, but I am always glad when we do. The house gets good and cleaned, not just picked up. We enjoy the company and usually have excellent food.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Cassie wanted to rent a few movies so off to Blockbuster we went. After she choose her movies we went up to the counter. After showing my ID the clerk asks for my address as they are updating their information. So I said my information hasn't changed so it doesn't need updating and Blockbuster.com has no problem sending me my movies so Blockbuster has my address. He looks at me and says "Can you just give it to me please" with a tone. I must not have been the first one of the day to question the whole thing. Then he needed my phone number and my email address. Seriously? They lost all this information? Funny how I didn't have to update my credit card though. I am actually rather annoyed about it and the borderline rudeness of the clerk. Truly if it had been my own movies I would have walked out telling him I would speak with Stacy at another time. Stacy, being the manager of that store. I've been a member of that store since they opened years ago, and I doubt they lost the information.
Third Time is the Charm
So Doug and I were talking about my trip to bestbuy. He suggested I look at Walmart and Toys-R-Us. I went online and all the walmarts were sold out. I could not find anything on Toys-R-Us. So I am thinking and thinking and decide to check Target. Many of them were sold out too, especially if you wanted the white one. I did not. So I go to bed contemplating. When I get up Doug has sent me email telling me which Targets in our area have them in stock. He is either as excited as I am or does not want to feel obligated to reciprocate that rolling pin. :P
That afternoon I picked up Elizabeth and we headed on over the the Fairview Target which is past Gresham a bit. They had the one I wanted and when we got there it was the last one. I now have my very own ipad and I am happy as pie. Feels like I have come into the 20th century at least. Gee I have an ipad and a cell phone that I use.
Oh and speaking of cell phones. Dave is now teasing me for texting Doug. Doug lives three thousand miles away from us and now he and I are carrying on lengthy conversations of substance and nonsense. And I'm not texting when I am dining with other people or when I should be doing other things. If someone texts me I won't know it until I look at the phone. :P
That afternoon I picked up Elizabeth and we headed on over the the Fairview Target which is past Gresham a bit. They had the one I wanted and when we got there it was the last one. I now have my very own ipad and I am happy as pie. Feels like I have come into the 20th century at least. Gee I have an ipad and a cell phone that I use.
Oh and speaking of cell phones. Dave is now teasing me for texting Doug. Doug lives three thousand miles away from us and now he and I are carrying on lengthy conversations of substance and nonsense. And I'm not texting when I am dining with other people or when I should be doing other things. If someone texts me I won't know it until I look at the phone. :P
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Ipad Again
Doug suggested that I go to the apple store or bestbuy and play with an ipad. Well I did that. It did not hinder my desire for one in any way. They are really cool and have lots of cool kid things. Bestbuy on the other hand proved themselves to be less than desirable. By the time I talked to a salesperson I had already figured the ipad out. Then the salesperson told me they only have the verizon 3g ones in stock and since I wanted the plain wi-fi one he blew past me saying "so sorry". Another customer suggested I just order it directly from apple and have it shipped to my house. Makes me think that the apple store in Portland may not have any plain wi-fi ones in stock either. Anyway now I am really having a case of ipad envy. Thanks Doug.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
So Doug had rolling pin envy. I have Ipad envy. Doug has a new Ipad. I have wanted one for awhile, but after Dave retired it wasn't really a likely purchase. So I am getting all the ins and outs from Doug on how it works. Just makes me want one more. Sigh. Maybe since I sent Doug a rolling pin, he should send me an Ipad. Yeah like that is ever going to happen. :P
Monday, June 6, 2011
Faux Full Moon
Sheesh. If I didn't know that the full moon was next week I would have sworn it was today. I had two cars pull out in front of me. One when I was going 50 miles an hour. The other was just in BG and it stopped to let us keep moving. Wow.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Nice Quote
"There are a thousand paths you can take in life. But there is only one right one...when you're on the right path, you'll know it." Carl Gorman, Navajo artist and code talker.
I think there is a lot of truth in that.
I think there is a lot of truth in that.
Rose Festival 2011
Betty gave me pins to get into Rose Festival. The tentative plan from last weekend was for Tanya and the girls to go with because last weekend Elizabeth wasn't available. I guess Tanya forgot and made other plans or got a better offer.
So Dave, Audrie and I ventured on over to the waterfront in Portland this afternoon. We rode Max and Audrie liked the swaying of the train. Once there she was fascinated with the rides. It was like she just discovered there is a whole world above her head. She looked up a lot. There was an animal display and she liked the turtle. I liked the tiger. He was beautiful. We had lunch. Audrie helped Papa eat his steak sandwich. She wasn't too interested in my noodles. She got to climb in a police car. We also walked along the waterfront and she liked a couple of big dogs. Perused through Saturday Market on our way back to the Max, but it was crowded.
It was a gorgeous day and I'm not surprised at the crowds. We had a really good time and Audrie fell asleep on the way home. Thank you Betty for a great time.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Disengaging, Unplugging

So I actually managed to disable my facebook account for two whole days. Then the photographer came and took pics of Audrie. She wanted to post some of the pictures to her facebook account. That meant if I wanted to see them I had to go back. Wonderful pictures. Now I am trying to decide which one I like best. I think it is this one of her in her chair.
Anyway sometimes on facebook there gets to be drama. And recently it was pointed out to me that I am not always kind. I was aware a bit and had been working hard on keeping my snide comments to myself. Rude comments on the other hand are permitted. :P Not really. So I figured the best thing to do was to unplug for awhile. I had already partially done so, but Dave likes to tell me all the things I missed. Not helpful in the least.
So I am keeping my facebook account, but disengaging from it a bit. I am going to leave my opinions in my head and allow my children to not benefit from my wisdom, lest someone think I am being belittling. And maybe, just maybe they will learn for themselves to spot things that are not to their benefit. Guess that means I won't be helping support much either like reminding Tanya that she is the parent. She really should know that by now anyway.
It is just a reminder that my relationships are not always what I think they are either.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Dave gave me his old cell phone, so I am no longer one of the few without one. Hahahah. That is until it doesn't work anymore. So I forayed into the texting world just enough to know that it is not for me. Takes too long to type stuff out on the little keypad. And I have nails so it just doesn't work for me.
And I find most cell phone/texting use to be rude. It seems that the device takes priority over the real person with you. Nothing like dining with someone and having them do more texting than conversing with you. So when Dave said oh I was joining the rest of the people...I changed my mind. I don't want to be like that. The person I am with is the most important person and I refuse to treat them like a second class citizen. And that is what I feel like a lot when I am around cell phones. So there.
And I find most cell phone/texting use to be rude. It seems that the device takes priority over the real person with you. Nothing like dining with someone and having them do more texting than conversing with you. So when Dave said oh I was joining the rest of the people...I changed my mind. I don't want to be like that. The person I am with is the most important person and I refuse to treat them like a second class citizen. And that is what I feel like a lot when I am around cell phones. So there.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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