Sunday, December 27, 2020

Flying Home

 We were two of those 1.5 million travelers today flying.  We have decided that we really don't care for Frontier airlines.  Nothing to do with the employees at all.  Just a bunch of little the most uncomfortable seats on a plane.  And no snack/beverage service but you can buy a bottle of water for $3.  This after we paid for our ticket and it wasn't cheap and we paid to take our carry ons on.  Methinks Alaska will see us more often.

So the airport at Indy was extremely quiet.  That is not where 1.5 million travelers were.  When we arrived in Portland it was quiet.  That is not where 1.5 million travelers were.  But when we spent our long layover in Denver... we found a good number of those travelers.  And dogs.  I must have seen over 30 dogs and one cat.  I wonder if all those pets were included in the  number of travelers.  ;p

The most amazing thing is whenever I have a layover I always try to have at least an hour because it never next gate is as far away from the arriving gate as it can get.  So today we arrived at gate 42, have a four hour layover and leave at gate 44.  That never happens.  Too funny.  

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Just a Day

 Pat did not want to learn how to play Fortnite on a game system.  So he ordered himself a gaming laptop from BestBuy.  Said he would be able to use that when he goes to Hawaii also.  Those games are a good time killer sometimes.  

I took the little woman shopping looking for a dino mask.  We did not have any luck.  So I did order her one off Ebay.  While we were out we went back to Walmart.  I had forgotten to look at bikes when we were there with Cassie.  Found a bike for the littlest man for his birthday in a week and a half. She also picked out a few snacks.  There is lots of food at the house, but sometimes it is nice to get to pick.  

The babies spent the night with us.  Again somehow I never got to hold one.  Those babies get passed around like candy.  It got late by the time Cassie got back from picking them up so we just had Little Caesar's pizza for dinner.  Always goes over with children.  

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

 That big pile of gifts got unwrapped pretty quickly.  I hit it big with the littlest girl.  I even got her things she wanted but she hadn't told orange converse shoes.  They all got new coats, shoes, blankets, clothes and a few toys.  When the unwrapping was done it didn't look so overboard as it did when it was a nice pile around the tree.  Every one seemed pleased.

Cassie made prime rib for dinner.  We gave her helpful advice on how to cook that.

The littlest man and I went out to see how cold it was.  Only 16 degrees.  We didn't stay out too long, but we did get out.  

It really was a nice day.  Totally nontraditional for us, but good anyway.  We knew this year would be different than all those that came before.  And that is why we traveled to be with the littles for the holiday.  It is one thing we have learned this year.  You can't let fear stand in the way of love because tomorrow is NOT promised.  We only have today.  

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve

 Pat and I flew to Indiana today.  We had a brief layover in Chicago and actually saw people in the airport.  You can tell that Chicago is a bigger airport.  We picked up the rental car and arrived at Cassie's about 6:30, just in time for dinner.  Pat had turkey and the rest of us had spaghetti.  Cassie was trying to be very considerate of his diet.  

I went in first and when the littlest man realized I was there he gave me a super big hug and then went running to share "his" news with his big sister.  All the kids were surprised and happy.  It is really nice to be loved that much.  Then Pat came in and both big kids ran to him.  First words out of the little woman's mouth was "did you bring the dogs"? No, no he did not.  

After the kids went to bed we watched Cassie put together all the stockings.  The big kids are going to love that.  And they have not seen a pile of gifts that big ever.  It is different when there are four kids.  

Cassie made a comment about she should just have a room for me.  And when people would comment about her guest room she would say no, that is Dawn's room.  Sure feels like part of me has moved in.  I have a coffee cup, toothbrush and paste, shampoo and conditioner and soap.  All the things I need.  And I just make myself at home now.  Maybe that means we need to look for a five bedroom house when they are ready for a mortgage.  

It is good to be here with my heart.  I feel content.  

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas at Home


We did our traditional thing tonight.  We had Chinese take out.  We opened our gifts to each other.  Becca got earrings, towels and new pink Lugs.  She was very happy.  Pat got tools and a picture for the wall.  I got earrings, a t-shirt and my cat hat.  A nice quiet little evening at home.  It won't be so quiet in Indiana.  

Friday, December 18, 2020

Snow Boots

 Naturally the snow boots I bought the kids last year no longer fit.  Totally to be expected.  Cassie had already bought one pair for child number 3 but those ones are staying at school.  So then she needed a pair for home and there is no way she is even close to wearing a hand me down from my little woman.  

It's Christmas time which is already a difficult time money wise for families.  Cassie commented on dipping into their small savings and then asked if I could help.  So I went online and found a pair for my little woman and my little man.  They will arrive next week.  None to soon as it is cold back there.

I think the kids will actually wear their boots this year.  Last winter the little man refused to wear them.  Course he had to be coaxed to wear pants.  I have noticed he has adapted to the different seasons there and now just wears pants.  ;p

Buying the boots reminded me of my grandma helping out my mom when it was necessary.  She bought our winter wear when we lived in MN.  It's part of being a family and part of the village.  

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Phone Call

 The little man calls me quite frequently.  Even 2300 miles isn't breaking our bond.  Anyway he knows I am coming out there for his little sister's birthday.  And he has decided that is too long between visits.  So he called to ask me to come sooner than that.  

Then of course we went through all the effects on his ipad.  And I got to see the whole family.  I love when I hear the littlest one in the background.