Monday, September 8, 2008

It never stays quiet

I spent the afternoon in the emergency room instead of mowing. I was taking a little nap before I finished mowing the neighbor's yard. The next thing I know Dave is waking me up saying I have to take him to the dr. because he chopped off his thumb. I asked if he had the other piece and he said no it was in many many pieces. He was making wood shavings with a planer to use for smoke in the bbqer. Well he misjudged and got too close and his thumb got pulled into the planer and it got planed. We rushed to the urgency care and got right in. They took one look and gave him an antibiotic and covered the wound and sent us on our way to the hospital. The hospital knew we were coming and took him right back. They went right to work. His thumb is gone just past the first joint. So they cleaned it all out and then sewed it up. It is going to be tender for a good long while even after it heals.

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