Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

My friend Nathan, who used to work with me, asked what my resolutions were for the New Year. My cousin Nathan, asked the same question of all readers of his blog. I am one of those people who don't make resolutions. I would probably make one and within a week give up on it. The question does get me thinking though. I think I would like to work on gratitude and appreciation. Seems like there isn't enough of that.
I appreciate my friends and family. Those relationships that keep me grounded, whether they be old or new. I am extremely grateful for the health of my right eye. I am grateful that most of my family made it intact in 2008. And while we lost Jason, good things lined up for Tanya and the girls. And today I appreciate the warm peanut butter cookies on the counter and the whole wheat rolls baking in the oven. It is always good to have enough food.
Oh and let me not forget Linus who cracks me up. Linus is Brenda's nephew and he just turned 3 years-old. They were talking last week about the people who live in her house. After he listed Brenda, her mom and her dad, he needed one more person. He said "the blueberry lady". That would be me. I will be forever known to Linus as the blueberry lady. Laughter is good.

1 comment:

  1. They are so cute at that age. And methinks Chloe is one smart cat. :)
