Thursday, November 26, 2009


There were nine of us this year. Mom, Pat, Tanya and the girls came over. We had the usual fare and it was all fine. We did have two walking wounded. Dave was sharpening knives yesterday. First time in many many years that he did it sober, so he slipped and sliced between his thumb and forefinger. He got four stitches last night. Elizabeth cracked a bone in her foot last night. She went to urgent care this morning and has an appt. with the fracture specialist on Monday. She said she was trying to avoid stepping on Adrianna and landed funny. Other than those two things everything was good. We are thankful.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

She's Growing

A new baby brings lots of visitors through the house. Dave's mom and Bill stopped by to meet Audrie.
Audrie had her two week check-up at three weeks. Her Dr. caught the flu and kept rescheduling her appt. Anyway she weighed in at 9 pounds 1 ounce at three weeks. I knew she was getting heavier.
She still isn't sleeping through the night, but that will come. She has a good set of lungs on her when she gets mad. :P

Sunday, November 22, 2009


So the storm blew and blew. Definitely woke me up this time. The wind chimes were just chiming. Right about 3 a.m. there was this big crash. Dave thought a tree had come down. Nope. It was just the umbrella. It broke somewhere along the line of its fly from one end of the deck to the other. Got up this morning and realized the gazebo cover was in tatters. Later we discovered that the umbrella had flown up on the roof and beat up the chimney which was then broken. Now we know how the umbrella got broke. Amazingly enough there are no trees down and just a few small limbs.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Tanya seems to have a need to have a relationship with men who have control issues. None physically that I know of, but emotional can do damage also. That said I have always commented that she didn't get that from me. Her mother has this exact same need and I always blame that relationship for Tanya's needs. So this week I was discussing with my mother red flags that Tanya should be seeing and apparently isn't. I made my usual comment when it struck me that yes she does get some of her behavior from me. There are definitely control issues in an alcoholic household. And my passive/aggressive tendencies never showed her how to make stands and deal with a lot of the issues. I'm so sorry that I didn't give her the tools to have control over her own life and be responsible for it and that makes her think she needs a man to do it. I'm not knocking healthier relationships because I understand the companionship aspect and I wish that for Tanya. I guess I will just have to keep telling her that she is a lot stronger than she thinks she is. And I'm not happy about my epiphany.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Two Pictures

My big accomplishment this week, aside from all the normal things and Audrie, was cleaning off my desk. The first picture has my desk in the background still piled with a lot of stuff. This is as clean as it will ever get and it will be awhile before I do this again. I am notorious for piling things on my desk. I am a stacker and that is why there is still one stack left on my desk. :P

Three Generations, One Roof

Now that Audrie has been born we are three generations living under one roof. I find that I really like it. I get to totally bond with Audrie in a way that I would not be able to if they lived somewhere else. Someday I know that we won't all be under the same roof and that is okay too. I think Cassie is really appreciating all the extra help also. Having a baby 24/7 is a lot different than babysitting. I don't think she quite understood how exhausted she was going to be at first. We are falling into a routine now and she is getting more rest.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Family Dinner

We sure have been having a lot of family dinners lately. Tonight was for Myk's birthday. He didn't want to wait until next week. Then Uncle Norman was in town, so we made it a big family dinner. The first picture is Papa with his girls and the second picture is Les, Betty and Norman. We had a wonderful time and ate really good hamburgers.
Adrianna did not like her mommy holding Audrie. She got the blanket and was going to set it out on the floor. Tanya told her not to put it on the floor so she very neatly spread it out on the couch for the baby and then implied that Tanya needed to put the baby there so she could be in Mommy's arms.