Saturday, January 18, 2014

Playground Hunt

The sun was shining and it seemed like a perfect day to get outside and do something. We drove into Vancouver and parked by Who Song and Larry's. Crossed the tunnel and the land bridge and traipsed through Fort Vancouver looking for a playground. We met lots of dogs and ran into Bonnie who is a fedex express driver.  It was a good walk and we found a small playground up by the visitor's center.  We played for awhile and then worked our way back. Connor found a stick and starting hitting posts.  As soon as I said not to hit us he decided that sounded like a fine idea.  I took the stick away.  And then a man across the street started laughing and commented that I had my hands full.  Yes, yes I do, every day.  And that is why we go out and do things when we have the chance.  Heading back to the land bridge we came across a family just doing circles over a sitting area.  The littles joined in and we spent dang near a half hour there with them just going round and round.
They both fell asleep on the way home.  He stayed asleep for another hour.  They spend the quietest evening in a long long time.  Think I wore them out for a change.

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