Monday, February 10, 2014


Got my tax refund.  That gives me a small sense of peace.  Just having it even though it is mostly all ear-marked.  One of my security blankets.  Just trying to get them all lined back up so I feel better.  I know that I can always tap the IRA and not pay a penalty.  I just choose to not do so if I don't have too.  And I like having a liquid bumper for those unexpected things, like oil leaks and tires and brakes.  Although I guess some of those are expected.  :p
It gives me a small sense of joy to know that I was right also.  Dave spent a good deal of last year trying to convince me how much worse off tax wise I was going to be not filing married.  I knew that that was wrong. It is just one of those things that while he is a great help there are times where he still tries to make me feel stupid.  And I'm not.

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