Tuesday, July 19, 2016

One Day at a Time

Ran into Sandi today.  She, too, is dealing with a parent with dementia.  She commented on the never knowing from day to day what you would be dealing with.  Good, bad, indifferent, lost, angry, etc. Here is what I know....you can't rationalize with a dementia patient.  And the dementia patient only sees their angle when they are in the middle of a derailment.  And its really hard to take a step back and not feel bad or angry.
My mom got very upset when we left the other night when she was derailed.  It wouldn't do anyone any good if I overreact, so I chose to leave.  It's hard to have this disease do these horrible things.  I know it is not my mom, but the disease saying the angry things.  And that isn't to say that sometime she isn't rightfully angry.  It's just sometimes she has the emotions of a four year-old.
So one day at a time, just like normal.

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