Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fun at the ER

We thought we would go to Skipper's and have some fish and chips.  Well some of us would have fish and chips and some would have chips and one was hoping they had chicken strips.  We stopped to check in with Grammy first to see how she is doing.  Right off the bat the little woman tells her what we are doing and invites her along. I'm sure Mom has ate dinner since it was after 6:30 p,m, but she said she could ride along anyway.
Three of us made it into the actual Skipper's building.  The littles just because they are fast and me to find a big guy.  Mom fell on the sidewalk.  And I can't get her up.  And she couldn't help me.  She banged her head and thought perhaps she had broken her arm.  So with a little help from a wonderful customer we managed to get in the car and go to the ER.
They wheeled her in while we parked.  They took her into triage and then back for an x-ray.  They were going to bring her back out front when they were done.  I don't think they ever made it to the X-ray room.  After waiting in the waiting room for quite awhile we decided to check.  Yup she was in a room and they let us go back.  And then she wasn't there.  She was getting an x-ray.
We went back out front as it was a better place for the littles to wait.  And that part was the best part.  They played with other kids and had snacks.  Afterall, we did not have dinner.
A little after ten they brought her out.  She had broken her arm so had a splint and a sling and her head was just banged up a bit. We got the car and then we needed to go get her prescription filled.  Joy.  The only 24 hours pharmacy is up on 164th.  So off we go checking Kaiser as we passed but they were closed.  Got Burgerville and her pills.  The littles ate, She took a pill.
Then she tried to take another one, but she didn't.  Until about five minutes later when she was sneakier about it.
By the time we dropped her off and got her settled it was 11:30.  I left the nurse to do the checking in of the narcotic and I hope she took them away.  Mom was insisting she was going to manage her own pain meds but she couldn't remember taking a pill five minutes before.  She hid them in her purse.  Before I left I took them out.  And then we headed home.
Home just before midnight and we are all tired.  The littles really behaved pretty well for the ordeal.  And now we get to wait while Mom heals from her fall and rethink how we do things in the future.  But this falling is becoming more often.

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