Saturday, April 15, 2017

Busy Day

Our day started with breakfast and shopping with Chad and Ky.  The kids got to pick out an Easter gift.  And then Chad thought Audrie needed a new outfit since her choice of toys was small.  The little man picked about fifty things that I kept putting back.  I always think Chad goes overboard and yet it's okay.  I know he loves doing it and it is one person who spoils them a bit.
We had a lovely breakfast and Gina was able to join us for that.  She is just so personable.  We had a great conversation on our end of the table.
We had a little time to kill after that so we went and hung out at Uncle Pat's house and played with the dogs.
Then it was on to Grammy's place for a little egg hunting.  There was a nice sized turnout for egg hunting in the courtyard.  Both kids filled their baskets and neither one seemed upset that most of the candy in the eggs wasn't their kinds.  Grammy scored and had a plate full of mini snickers, mini butterfingers and mini milky ways to savor later.  The kids just loved the thrill of the hunt.  Afterwards we had snacks in the dining room.  Wonderful cookies and fruit on skewers.  And then as we were leaving they each got a "carrot" that was filled with gold fish.  What a great day and a great treat.
It was great spending time with Ky, Chad and Gina.  We made tentative plans to see each other in July when we head to Bellingham.  Again thanks for breakfast and the wonderful presents Chad.
Thanks to Highgate for putting on a lovely egg hunt where the kids could thrive and fill their baskets without being trampled.
It really was a great busy day.

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