Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Family Meeting

The littles are big enough now to have some opinions about what we do for our activities.  So we sat down and had our first family meeting.  We talked about all the things we would like to do this year and things we might not like to do.  Poor little woman was outvoted on camping at the island. 
We have all our usual things.  Camping, yurting at the beach (twice this year), the fair, the zoo, Dizzy Castle, JJ Jump and then the biggie......Disneyland.  We all agreed it would be a fantastic trip and that we should fly.  It's a long drive and we don't want to do it.
So I checked my work schedules as far as when my boss has vacation scheduled.  I checked their school calenders to see how some of those things would work during school time.  And then I set about making plans.
We have reservations for the yurts at two different camp grounds.  The little woman is fine with this kind of camping.  And I bet she doesn't wipe her fingers under any shelving at stores. 
Next came the big trip.  We didn't do anything big last year so that we could afford to do something super fun this year.  Naturally I had to figure out the best way to work it.  Sometimes it is better to book things separately.  Not this time.  So I booked a package for the air and hotel.  Then I bought us transfers from the airport to the hotel.  The hotel has shuttles to Disneyland.  I don't see the need for a rental car.  So this part is done.
Then I remembered that I can't fly with my drivers license.  We are one of the states that don't have proper ID or something.  So I need to upgrade my driver license to an enhanced one.  Good thing I could find my passport.  That makes things a lot easier.  So it is next on my agenda.  Too bad my passport is expired. 
Looking at all that tells me I can still easily renew my passport which will be for another day and trip.  I still want to go to  Canada. 
So I'm a little excited and I post about it on facebook.  Well Cassie decides this is the time to ask when are we going to talk about paying half for the littles to come visit her during the summers.  Ummm obviously not this year.  I have never agreed to pay half.  The littles are too young and don't behave well enough to travel by themselves even with the airline supervision.  She really has no clue and seems to think they are way older than they are.  And I do know that some kids their ages travel between parents.  I'm not a parent who is co-parenting.  I am the guardian and custodian which gives me all rights and decision making. 
This year we are going to Disneyland.  Some place I never thought I would ever go.  And it was suggested I get a seaband from the pharmacy for my motion sickness.  Because we never found someone to go with us.  Therefore I must ride a few rides. 
Family meeting was a success.  I'm working towards more of them with the littles giving me more input into what they want to happen in their lives.  Afterall it is their lives and family also. 

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