Thursday, August 30, 2018


I have gotten better over the years.  But sometimes I am still a procrastinator.  So when we camped at Cape Disappointment back in May, we made smores.  The little woman was using her sleeping bag as a blanket and she dropped a smore on it.  She didn't say anything, she just took her sleeping bag to bed.  Well that smore got all over my sleeping bag also that night. 
The little woman has had a couple of sleepover type things with the girl scouts this summer and needed her sleeping bag.  Her bag is small and I was able to just wash it in our machine.  Mine, on the other hand, is a big one and needs to go to the laundromat and put in one of the big machines.  My next camp out was Fourth of July at the island and I had procrastinated long enough that it wasn't usable for that trip.  We used blankets.  We were a little cold.
So tomorrow is camping again at the island and the weather is moving more towards fall.  So I really needed to go to the laundromat.  I have only procrastinated for three months.  Well the machine took $6.25.  I had brought enough small bills to get enough quarters.  And we did that.  But the machines now take credit cards also, so I must remember that in the future. 
My bag is clean and ready for camping on the island and again at Grayland State Park. 

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