Sunday, September 30, 2018

We Saw a Play

We had gathered up Jodi and headed to Portland.  Our plan was to eat at the McDonald's that is a few blocks over.  Just our luck....they were remodeling.  Lucky for us they did have a walk up window.  So we got our lunch and ate it on the steps of the theater.
The play was fabulous.  The Northwest Children's Theater never disappoints.  So many smiling faces in the audience.  My little man did get bored about 2/3 of the way through but he sure liked it until then.  Jodi thought it was one of the best she had seen.  The little woman liked it.
I liked the price of our tickets.  I loved the play and I love how afterwards they do a meet and greet.  I got quite a few pictures. It was a nice afternoon outing.

I looked it up.  I have seen "Narnia" with Dave and Mike, "Suessical" and "Good Night Moon" with the little woman, "Go, Dog Go" with Adrianna, "Robin Hood" with Elizabeth and "Peter Pan" with Jodi and Zach. So I am now at 7 plays at this venue. That means that this play was the little man's first play and that explains the getting bored before it was over.  Next time he will do much better.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Lessons Learned

So we have this whole assault allegation against a supreme court nominee.  Depending on what side of the fence you sit seems to be whether you believe the woman or not.  The premise on the other side seems to be that she is not believable because she took 35 years before she said anything. 
That got me thinking.  And feeling a lot of stuff I don't want to feel.  When did I learn that telling the truth doesn't much matter because people won't believe you?  I was ten years-old.  And it had nothing to do with sex and power.
My brother and I were on a summer visit with our dad.  Now early in the visit I had found a dollar in my stepbrother's room.  And I knew it was wrong, but the candy at the Piggly Wiggly was calling me name.  And so I took that dollar and went and spent it on candy.  Naturally that dollar was missed and I was accused and naturally I denied it at first.  But I did not hold out very long before I told the truth.  I felt so guilty and felt so much shame. 
My dad and the stepmom got into a horrible fight.  She got out a gun and he broke it.  And that is about all I remember of the fight.  They decided they would split up.  So she got in a closet and took some money and put it inside her pants.  I watched her do it.  I did not know why or what would happen next.  She accused me of taking that money.  Naturally I denied it.  And no one believed me because I had taken that dollar a couple weeks earlier.  My aunt and uncle were there and I was so embarrassed. 
My stepsisters would not let me sleep on a bed.  And they would not let me have a blanket until they had gone through all of my suitcase to make sure I wasn't hiding that money. 
It was a relief to leave that place and go home.  But I went home thinking that my dad didn't believe me.  And I thought that until the day he died.  My aunt and uncle came to visit a few years later and I was so worried about how they felt about me.  Maybe I have some of my own anxiety issues because I can still remember and feel how that felt.  It was fine and my aunt told me not to ever worry about it. 
At some point in my adult life my aunt told me that money turned up.  But no one had ever told me.  So I believed that they really believed the accusation.  I never talked about it with my dad.  And when things of great importance in my life happened I didn't tell.  Because why tell if you are not believed. 
I know my story can be construed to favor either side of an argument about not telling or wrongly accusing.  But it is my story and that is why I have not shared a lot of what happened to me in my life with people.  Still don't and probably never will.  I learned at ten that telling the truth does not get you much. 

Friday, September 28, 2018


The little woman had her intake appt. at the Children's Center today.  It was pretty much the same as the little man's except there are different issues involved.  Depression and anxiety run in both sides of her family.  I love how I never put these things together until I do. 
What I learned was that children exposed to drugs can become super picky eaters and highly sensitive.  Wait....what?  I know that the little woman had some exposure.  I also know she did not have nearly the amount of exposure as her brother did.  But sometimes it isn't about the amount of exposure but the when of the exposure. 
So counseling starts next week for her.   For now we are going to see if she learns some coping mechanisms for the anxiety that she learned as a coping mechanism.  What a circle.  Here is hoping for a little peace for both of their little brains. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Two Louis's

Surprisingly enough we had two Louis Vuitton backpacks come through.  I didn't see the other one but I did see the first one again.  Both backpacks were owned by guys.  And that just surprised us. 
So I decided to google them.  Found them.  Went damn, were we way off.  Those backpacks come in at about two grand.  There are a couple of different sizes and it was too hard to tell from the pictures online which one might have been the one I saw.  Either way they are expensive. 
I also saw a really cute one and it was three grand.  Not something I will ever own.  And now it is time to come back to reality.  My world is much more frugal and that is okay.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Arby's Has a Policy

So after swimming lessons the littles are hungry and cannot wait until we get home for food.  And trust me....they can't.  So tonight they wanted Arby's. 
So we are sitting in the drive through lane and Arby's is slow slow slow.  This homeless man comes up and asks something of the two cars ahead of us.  I can't hear him, but I know he got turned down.  So he then approaches our car and asks for a meal please.  He wanted something big enough for him and his girlfriend to share.  I'm like...of course.  Look at the menu and tell me what you want and I will get you two meals when I order our meals.  And so we do that.  He got two chicken sandwiches which I ordered as meals so he would have fries and beverages. 
We get up to the window and I give the young gal my credit card and ask for a drink carrier.  About that time the manager realized the homeless man was standing on the other side of my car and she tells him to leave.  I comment that I am getting him meals.  She informs me that Arby's has a policy that you can't buy food for people not in your car in the drive through lane.  Funny that.  They sure had no problem taking my $35 (I never spend that much at Arby's).  The man went and stood over by the bus stop.  I felt bad for him. 
When I finally got the food, I drove over to where he was waiting.  We gave him his food and told him if we ever buy him food again we will go inside and dine there. 
Who knew that if the person who is going to eat the Arby's is not in your car you cannot buy it for them.  All those times I got Arby's and took it elsewhere to eat with others I was breaking their policy.  I understand they don't want homeless people congregating in their parking lot.  But I'm offended that they would even say something when I'm spending money at their establishment and I'm feeding someone.  And he left as soon as he got his food. 

Then I had to have the conversation with the littles about the difference between buying a homeless person some food and giving them money.  I don't give them money and I have had to explain that to the littles.  They sometimes think I am heartless when I won't.  And that may be.....but I will feed someone if they ask and I can.  And today I could.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Louis

So every rush has its flavor.  I have been amused by shoes on dogs, boys on unicycles, brilliant hair and off the wall clothing.  Anyone who knows me knows I'm not normally impressed by the cost of things other than shock value. 
This young man drops off his backpack at bag checking and goes in the store.  One of the new gals comment on the Louis Vuitton backpack sitting on the shelf and how it had to be worth about $500. I know nothing about that.  I know my friend Stacey just came back from Greece where she bought a Louis Vuitton belt and it was one of the "cheaper" things in the store.  There was something about the way she said it that made you know Louis's are not cheap.  I figured our new gal was right. 
The young man comes back and I comment about us talking about his bag and how the label alone must be worth $100.  He laughed and said no and that the bag was a gift.  And off he went. 
Then it was pointed out to me how he was wearing a real gold chain and a real vintage Sonics jacket.  So I'm sure there is more to the story.  I can at least say I have touched a Louis Vuitton bag. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Just Over Half Way

I have been trying to take okay pictures with my phone.  But the lighting at Marshall Center is lacking.  And the viewing room which is upstairs from the pool is also dark.  So today I took my camera.  Still did not get great pictures, but much better pictures than the phone. 
They are coming along.  I watched him dive for rings today.  He sometimes has to go down twice, but he never gives up.  That's my boy. 
I didn't realize until I got home that I captured the little woman flirting.  I think I am in trouble before too many more years.  :P
We have three more lessons left of this session. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Camping Bits and Bobs

The little woman and I ventured to the store we were in last year.  The one where she sliced open her fingers and got eight stitches.  This time she wanted me to see if the shelves still had sharp edges.  Yes, yes the do.  She took my word for it.  We managed to make our purchases without any mishaps.  
Then we had to stop at the ranger station to pay our extra vehicle fee.  The ranger remembered us from last year when I commented this year was going much better than last year.  I didn't remember him exactly, but I thanked him for his great directions last year to the Aberdeen hospital.  I was just a little preoccupied last year.  
Then she did cut her finger at camp.  Lots of blood, but not enough of a cut for stitches.  Thank God.  I am hoping for her never having stitches again in her lifetime.  So is she.  Good thing I grabbed the band aids at the last minute.  
Next year we are talking about checking out the little bungalows at Westport.  We will see.  

Home Again, Home Again

We added a tiki lamp to our camp supplies.  It is just beautiful and adds a nice touch to the table.  The moon was full.  Naturally my phone takes horrible pictures of the moon, but I liked it anyway. I wanted to show her sand art and so there it is.  And of course himself playing catch with Uncle Pat. 
We got up and loaded up.  Made it home safe and sound.  The little man rode with Pat.  So we picked him up later after we went home and unloaded.  I got a shower and a little nap in. 
It was a great trip and the littles had fun and we made memories. 
Now it is almost bath time and bedtime so we can get back to routine tomorrow.  Rush this week so early days the next couple of morning.  After this week it will settle down for awhile. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Crabbing Makes the Day

The littles will tell you the best part of the whole weekend is pulling crab traps up onto the docks.  They will neglect to tell you that they only pull the traps up and Uncle Pat pulls them on the dock.  They loved throwing all the small crabs back in the drink.  In the end they caught two crab.  One a red rock and the other a dungeness.  We ate them for dinner. 
They watched the sea lions who swam around right where we were.  There were two fishing boats parked where we were crabbing so the sea lions and seagulls were hoping for treats.  The seagulls did get some of Pat's bait when he wasn't looking.  He figured the birds were smarter than he was that day.  I just figured they were in survival mode. 
We played on the beach.  Tried to find some whole sand dollars but could only find tons of small pieces and few halves.  Maybe next time I go earlier on to the beach and hunt.  The little woman did artwork in the sand and the little man played ball games.  We even got Uncle Pat down on the beach before dinner. 
Then we cracked crab and made camp stew.  After dinner the littles got to make s'mores.  Always a highlight of camping.  Good thing we could have a fire in the fire pit.  There is a still a burn ban going in that county. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday Drive

I got off work a tad early.  Hit the grocery store for the things I forgot yesterday.  And there was a display of fresh shrimp.  So I picked up some salad shrimp and some shrimp for nibbling.  Got home and had time to make a shrimp salad and get the car packed up before the littles got home. 
Well naturally one runs right off when they got home.  So we got a later start that I anticipated.  Good thing I made the salad because by the time we got to Grayland State Park, it was a little late to cook.  It was raining so we just cuddled down.  Watched videos on the phones.  Went to bed early so every one can get up early to start the day of crabbing.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Progress on Several Fronts

We have a yurting trip coming up.  I have been working on getting the camping stuff more organized.  Helps to only have what we use with us.  Takes up less space in the car that way also.  Yurting is much easier than actual camping.  So I have cleaned out the car and I am about as ready as I can be this far in advance.
Then since my brother and I decided next summer would be a good time to visit Hawaii I have been working on that.  I have the condo booked and I think I did all right.  Right across the street from the beach.  And if the ocean water isn't enough there is a pool. 
Watching airfare.  Lots of time for that to go on sale.  Got the rental car reserved.  Planned on five people, but my brother told me we are only counting on the four of us.  Yeah I had already figured that.  It would be nice for an extra, but I know how that always goes. 
Looking at activities.  Let me tell you the prices on those have went way up since we were there in 2005.  Anyway we will have to do a luau because I'm the only one who has experienced it before.  The littles are going to love it. 
Next week is Rush at work and then my slump.  Looking forward to it.  Liz said there are four pallets coming and they will probably arrive next week.  Next week while all the rest of us are busy with bag check and security.  She would be stuck doing them herself.  Oy.  I'm sure it will be fine and that all reminds me that tomorrow I need to set bag check up. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


The things you notice when you have a wee break.  Today was the first day this week I made it to see her.  Still trying to maintain three visits a week, but it is hard when I am working a lot.  So today was after work and she had just finished up lunch. 
Half of our conversation was a bit jumbled and she really did not notice.  And she is exchanging words.  I have no idea what we were looking at by the cupboard doors.  She called it the Mohawk.  I didn't see anything.  At least she seems happy right now.  She kept saying how much she liked it there. Good food, good help.
It is kind of hard to lose more of her. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Bruise Much

Most of the day was okay.  The car is an issue.  Hurts to get in and out.  I think it is the design of the seats.  So once I got ready for bed I looked in the mirror and I have the purplest bruise on my butt.  And a nice long bruise on my shoulder.  Laying in bed and I can feel aches in my legs and on the back of my head.  That must have been some fall to the floor on those chair parts. 
So I think it is another night of ibuprofen and time for bed.  Bet the littles almost follow me tonight. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Whirlwind and Oops

The littles attended their first day of school as first and third graders.  They came home and told me I had homework.  There is always paperwork to fill out.  And I got it done and back in their folders to return tomorrow.
After work I zipped to daycare and picked them up.  They had swimming lessons this afternoon.  It is the only day that we cut it really close.  But we were not late.
And then.......I was filling out the paperwork and got it put away.  I went to sit back down at the table to peruse the handbook and crash.  The chair disintegrated with me on it.  So the chair ended up in pieces under me on the floor.  There was no slow motion about it.  The little woman starts calling for the little man and they want to know if I'm all right.  It took a few moments to determine that.  Chair pieces do not feel good under you when you land on them.  I cut my thumb.
The little woman helped me remove the pieces from under me.  Then the little man helped me up and put a bandage on my thumb.  Right hand of course.  Everything is sore.  So I took some ibuprofen and it is time for bed.  I'm sure they will join me soon.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Getting Ready

The strike is over and the littles are returning to school tomorrow.  No excitement, no fanfare.  So today the little woman and I hit the grocery store.  She had informed me that she was going back to cold lunches. So we needed to stock up on lunch supplies.  I will say one lunch a day is a lot easier to make than two.  Especially considering it would be two different lunches.
The little man hung out with Uncle Pat while we did that.  So we returned to his house after we were done and I had a nice little nap on his couch.  Then he cooked some fish.
Once home the littles hit the tub while I got backpacks ready.  Each one needs to take some snacks for the class and they each have their brain eraser.  I think we are about as ready as we are going to be.  We have to get up early enough to go to daycare before school.  Early mornings for me this whole week.  But only one long day.  Then we have two days of swimming lessons, the little man has a psych appointment and an appointment with the therapist at school.  Busy, busy.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Arts For All

I was on facebook and an ad for the Northwest Children's Theater was in the feed.  The play "Elephant and Piggie's We are in a Play" is coming.  Every time I see it I think about it.  The little man's kindergarten teacher used to read these books to the class and he really liked them.
Well next weekend is the premiere and sometimes there are specials for the first weekend.  So I went to the website to check.  No specials.  And I really didn't expect there to be.  Usually I get an email when there is.  But they have Arts For All.  Arts For All are cheap tickets you can buy if you have a food or cash benefit card from the state of Oregon.  There are some limits.  You can't purchase more than four tickets.  They are only good for the side sections and you can't purchase prior to two weeks before the season starts.  And you can't buy tickets to the final show. 
We don't live in Oregon.  But I figured it was worth a call.  So call I did.  I asked if they accepted the Washington card and after about a minute the man who answered said lets say yes. I guess no one had asked and the program has really kind of gone by the way.  But NWCT are still honoring it because they want to.  So I bought tickets for us to see the play.  And I am happy happy.
And the little man is already counting down to play day.  And now that I know...we may go to a lot more plays there.  "Mary Poppins" is coming up next.  :)

Friday, September 14, 2018

Easy Peasy

Lemon Squeezy.  The little man was up about an hour before me.  Said he was awake the whole time.  I'm not totally sure about that, but he was wide awake when I woke up with the alarm.  Good mood. 
Everything went smooth.  So smooth we had time to stop and get a donut for breakfast on the way to daycare.  So different than a couple of other days this week. 
Picked them up and they were still in good moods and the rest of the day went as easy as the beginning.  Got to like that. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

A Rock and a Hard Place

I knew something was off when I had to wake the little man up this morning.  I wanted to get the kids dropped at daycare by about 9:30 so I would have time to make an intake appointment for the little woman before work.  After a few minutes I realized he had a headache. 
My little man gets migraines.  So I offered him a pill and he turned me down flat.  I'm stuck in this place emotionally.  I need to get to work and yet I know he doesn't  feel well.  What to do?  Finally he relented and took a pill.  But he informed me he was not going to daycare until the pill had worked.  Well I'm not sure that pills totally take away a migraine.  I think at best it dulls it. 
So I'm frustrated.  Frustrated with his not helping and not feeling well and frustrated with feeling like I'm letting my co-workers down.  I had already been late one day this week. 
Then suddenly he was ready to go and we went.  I dropped them and then zoomed to work.  Only an hour late.  And it turned out that we got everything done by 3.  Then I zoomed back and grabbed the kids.  He told me it took a long time for that first pill to work. And off they we to play.
Next thing I know he is back and asking for a pill.  Gave him one and set him up with the TV turned way way down.  And he was asleep before two minutes had passed.  He slept for a good two hours.  Which is what he has done every other time he has had a migraine. 
All I can do is kiss his head and hope that next time I am not so frustrated.  It isn't his fault.  I love that little boy and I don't like seeing  him feel bad.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Swimming On Time

Well we were on time for class today.  So they got the full experience and they enjoyed that so much more.  My little man is not afraid of the water.  Whenever they needed to jump in he just did it.  Almost all the rest of his group needed help getting in the water. 
I watched her across the pool.  Dipping and diving and just having fun.  She commented that they got to play with the rings today and that it is hard to catch them underwater.  Yes, yes it is. 
I tried to take pictures, but Marshall Center is pretty dark so I could not get good ones at all. 
First week done, three to go.  We talked about our activities.  The little man and woman both want to do after school activities this year.  Here is hoping the school doesn't do away with them due to budget constraints.  And basketball will be here before we know it.  And girl scouts start back up in October.  We will be plenty busy this fall. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


I don't know how I did it.  I didn't intend to do it.  And yet I did.  Somehow I signed the littles up for swimming lessons at Marshal Center.  Turns out to be a good thing since the Firstenburg pool is down for repairs or something. 
So we had left a little early for class and good thing.  We walked into Firstenburg to be told there were no classes there and that I must have signed them up for Marshal Center.  They looked it and and yes I had. 
So with a tad bit of frustration we headed to Marshal Center. While we were early at Firstenburg, we were half a class late at Marchall Center.  The little man wanted to know why the class was so short.  Well that is what happens when you are late to class. 
What I liked about class at Marshal Center was there are no distractions to the lessons.  It is basically just a pool with a slide.  So each kid seemed to pay more attention to what they were doing.  And that is a good thing. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

No More Excitement

The littles were so excited to return to school.  They couldn't wait to see their friends and make new ones.  The little woman had told her new teacher how hard she was going to try and be good in class.  They got new backpacks, lunchboxes, clothes and haircuts. 
And then the teachers went on strike.  And they are still on strike.  Starting what would be our third week at school as more time at home and daycare.  They have already said no school tomorrow.  That will be day nine that we have to make up, most likely at the end of the year. 
And the littles no longer ask when are they going to school. The thrill is gone.  It got postponed too many times.  And there isn't much I can tell them about why.  It's always all about money.  I don't want to flavor my kids relationships with their new teachers with my personal opinion of this strike.  So mostly we don't talk about it.  At six and eight years-old they are not going to understand.  All they know is they are not in school and they aren't excited anymore.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Little Bits

The little man still says his chest hurts when he sneezes.  Seems a bit better though.  He doesn't have to move and move and move to find a good place to fall asleep.
The dog picked off her scab from her abscess.  Joy.  Bought her some wrap and then it made me worry too much about her not being able to breathe.  You can't put a bandage on fur.  So we are just watching it day by day.  It is getting smaller. 
The little woman went to a birthday party this weekend and we had just got there and she got stung by a bee.  Today the bee sting spot itches and is nice and red.  She didn't react extremely when she got stung, but I think she still bears watching for awhile during her next stings. 
This weekend's big project was the kitchen.  We finally made the table little.  Now we should start eating at it.  But not tonight.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


And before I forget again.  When I took the little man to see the urgent care doc both littles got measured and weighed.  She comes in at 4'3" and weighs 65 pounds.  Just perfect.  He comes in at 4'1" and 68 pounds.  Well no wonder why I can't lift him anymore.  And he is only two inches shorter than her now.  I think he is in the middle of a growth spurt. 

A Better Plan

Things get broken here.  And then I replace them.  And then repeat.  So I had decided that I would not replace anything more that got broken this year.  Hence no new ipad after the last one got broken in February.  I did replace the phone in February.  We were going to Disneyland and I really needed all the information in it and the security of having it. 
So jump forward.  No replacements of toys.  And so far maybe, maybe we are not getting as many broken things.  Just a hunch.  Naturally there is less to break.
So I grabbed the mop bucket and filled it.  Got the mop.  Pulled the bucket out of the sink to have water flowing all over the floor.  The last fit that had gotten the bucket kicked did it in.  Oy.  And so I did not replace it.  It is hard to mop without a mop bucket. 
Today I got out my big stainless steel fruit bowl and used it.  The floor really needed the hands and knees shot.  I spent almost two hours scrubbing the floor.  When I got to the back door I told the littles that I was working there and they could no longer come in through the back door.  Right.  I wasn't even done with the whole floor before I saw foot prints on the clean dry section.  Oy.
The floor is clean and I am really rethinking my not replacing things.  Maybe I should buy a mop bucket.  I'm definitely not ready to buy a new ipad though.  ;p

Friday, September 7, 2018


So I am working on packaging up web orders at work for shipping.  One of my favorite jobs.  Really I should go to work for Amazon.  Anyway, our new tech person comes back and asks if freight came and it just had......I mean just.  I was wheeling it in the warehouse.  She tells me she needs some books that are on that cart as they were coming in today and she really wanted to get those web orders done.  Okay.  Then she tells me she is not rushing me but when do I think I will be done processing the freight.  Wait...what?  Sounds like rushing to me and I'm working on web orders. 
To be nice I log the freight and print the receiving documents.  I don't see the books she is waiting on on the documents.  I open the boxes and stage the books for receiving.  Nope.  I got music and one computer book.  That's it. 
When I let her know that the books she wanted had not come in her response was "really?"  Like I'm lying.  I'm not lying and I did not get those books.  She obviously has more pull than I do. I can't see what is coming in before it comes in the door.  But I am smart enough to know that it doesn't always arrive when it is suppose to. 
And then back to web orders I went. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

He's Okay

Took the little man to see the urgent care doctor.  Who knew you could now make appts. for that.  Anyway we went to the pediatric one since the little man is a kid.  He got a chest x-ray and thought that was the coolest thing.  He made sure sissy and I got to see it also.  The x-ray showed everything good inside him.  No broken or cracked bones, no air where it doesn't belong and no harm to the heart.  Doc said the little man has a bruised chest cavity and it is going to take awhile to heal.  Glad he is okay.
Course then he threw one of his outlandish fits on the way home.  I was sure glad when it was over.  But I have realized that there have not been any of those for at least a couple of weeks.  Minor things, but no major ones.  Maybe progress.  I hope.  And the day showed that the little woman really needs to get into counseling herself.  So I better get on that. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Better Listening

Sunday when we got home from camping the littles ran to the neighbors' to play.  One went one way and one went the other.  I unloaded the car and then gathered the kids to go to Pat's house.  The little woman was going to spend the night. 
So on the drive I hear him telling her about an incident on the trampoline.  He said he was being a little too rough with the littler kids.  Some man let him on his back on the trampoline and then jumped and then went down on his butt and it hurt my little man.  I didn't catch the inbetween or wasn't paying enough attention.....I was driving. 
I didn't think much more about it.  All week so far the little man has been playing fine, but every night he has been complaining about a sore throat.  But he points to his chest.  Again I'm hoping he isn't getting sick.  I'm not sure.  My mind is more on dealing with the little woman's anxiety, the dog, the house, working long hours this week. 
So tonight he is again complaining about it but he tells me more of the story or the part I didn't catch.  Seems when he was being a little too rough with the littler kids, the man on the trampoline was teaching him a lesson and being a little too rough. And that is when he got hurt in his chest.  He says it hurts when he sneezes and sometimes when he breathes.  Oy.  He was having a hard time finding a sleep place.  I told him to find a place that doesn't hurt and go to sleep.  And he did.  So obviously it hurts more when he is laying down.
My eyes were filled with tears and my heart again broken.  Some man who we don't know decided it was a good idea to teach my six year-old a lesson. And he did.  My little man was telling me how he didn't know he was being too rough and explained it sadly.  He got it.  And he is still learning that lesson three days later and now maybe should see a doctor.  Because some man never learned about being too rough with those littler than him. 
And yes, my little man has some issues and plays hard and too rough sometimes.  I'm pretty sure there was a better way to deal with it.  And now I don't know if I talk to the neighbor or just let it go.  I hope my little man heals fast. 
And I need to listen better the first time around. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

One Day Done

Four long early days this week and the first one is done.  Brenda and I managed to stay busy all day.  I think I am glad I do the rest of the week by myself though.  I'm not expecting tons of freight this week. 
The dog is much much better.  The little man has been doing better but then today he chased his sister down the street.  Then I got to have one of those awkward conversations with a neighbor and I guess she doesn't understand.  You don't talk about a kid when the kid is standing right there with you.  Maybe later in the week I will try and walk over to her house and have a less awkward conversation.  But really we are starting to see progress with him.  So I'm hopeful. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

We Are Tired

Amazingly enough the boy and I both took naps today.  He didn't want me on the couch while he watched TV, so I went and laid on the bed.  Pretty soon he came and joined me.  Turned on the TV in the bedroom and then he quickly fell asleep also.  I think our big weekend camping wore us out.  I understand him since he played so hard all weekend.  I have no idea about me.  Other than I am waiting for October. 

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Fishing and Playing

I finally managed to get a closer up of this bird Manny and I were fascinated with all weekend.  I think it is an osprey.
The little man spent almost no time with us yesterday.  Today he wanted to fish and he spent more time with us.  He still played really hard but more with us and his sister.  They got a small boat ride and that was the highlight of their day.
I had spent about $3 on a pair of goggles with a breathing tube.  They thought this was the greatest thing in the river and they spent a lot of time looking under the water.
One more fish got caught again today on our beach.  Same guy that caught one yesterday.  Just before we left he gave the fish to the little man who gave it to Uncle Pat.  It is going to Sorin's to be smoked. 
And then it was tear camp down and go home.  It will feel good to sleep in our own beds tonight.  Camping it always great fun and the little wore themselves out. 

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Back to Camping

And we are back at the island camping and mostly fishing.  Well two of us are fishing and the second person bounces back and forth between the littles.  I just sat and enjoyed the water, the ships and watching the others fish.  Casey, one of Mike's old friends came out and put a line in the water.  Only one fish was caught off our beach today.
We brought Mom out for the day and she had a good time.  She was wore out by the time I took her home.  I actually convinced her to walk from our campsite down to the water.  I had her chair in case she needed a break.  We made it all the way.  We had Casey give her a ride back up to camp.
After dropping Mom I had to go home to give Phoebe her pill.  She was feeling so much better.  The antibiotics must have finally kicked in.