Saturday, July 30, 2011

For Today

For today I can understand Myk's struggles with his addiction and be grateful that he is willing to go to treatment of his own volition.
For today I am grateful for Elizabeth's common sense and willingness to be a good role model sometimes for her sister.
For today I can appreciate all that is Adrianna, with her energy and spunk.
For today I am grateful for the few minutes of peace and quiet in my house while Audrie sleeps.
For today I hope that Dave has a good day at work and no more muscle cramps. :P They zap the energy out of him.
For today I am thankful for the ability to go on the bike ride we took this morning with our granddaughters and the joy of it.
For today I am grateful for my mother, who may slip a cog now and then, but is still with us.
For today I am thankful for conversations with Doug and Kristie that put new light on old subjects and old light on new subjects.
For today I am glad that Tanya let the girls come spend the night and watch bats.
For today I am happy that the c-pap machine is making my brother feel better and have more energy.

Girls' Night

Elizabeth and Adrianna spent the night so we could watch bats. Before the bat viewing we went to the park to play and expend some energy in the little girls. Both little girls played and played and played.

Then we ventured on up to Marla's house to watch the bats fly. Well good thing for us Marla came home and got a flashlight to find the bats. They were on the back of the barn and we were camped out in front. There were only seven and she said that was weird. We got to watch five of them take off and fly. Elizabeth and Adrianna thought it was cool seeing where the bats roosted and then Adrianna's face lit up when the first bat flew. Marla was going to look today to see if there are more that maybe flew before we got there.

All the girls loved seeing Nasty and Sammy, the horses. Marla popped Adrianna up on Sammy to sit for a minute. That was the only time Adrianna was a tad nervous with the horses. I think the girls almost loved the horses more than the bats. I liked both.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Busy Week

So we had 14 pallets of books come into our warehouse this week. We knew the change was coming and that pallets would start arriving. What we didn't know was that the changeover from dos to windows on our inventory system was taking place the 1st. It was scheduled for the 18th. So everything had to be received by today. We worked hard this week and got it all done. Whew. I worked all five days this week.
Next week is light because we can't do anything while they switch the program over. We were told it would take three to five days. So stuff will pile up for us and then we will be behind. Bossman checked and right now there are only five scheduled pallets next week. That means at least eight. :P

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


As part of Myk's sentence he has to complete treatment. He procrastinated as much as he could and it was one of the things that put him in the local jail for three weeks. When that happened his PO offered him in-patient. Told him that since the state of WA is broke that soon it would not be an option for the state to pay for it. Basically it was do it now or pay it yourself.
Myk needs treatment. So he chose to do this, thinking he would be sent to Chehalis. He has been waiting for an open bed since he got out of jail. Well his day has arrived. He won't be going to Chehalis though. He gets to go to Spokane. And I get to drive him. Yeehaw.
The positive is I wanted to take a road trip with my car. And we are switching over to winprism at work so we can't do anything early next week, so the timing is great. Myk is excited to go. Whoa!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Playing at the Park

She is getting to be such a big girl now. She liked the tire swing. She made friends with some big girls who she immediately trained to help her with getting off the slide. She didn't need help. She didn't need help climbing up either, but she said she did. Funny how she could do it all herself when she wanted to keep up with those girls.

Never Ceases to Amaze

UPS brought us a ton of books today. Got all 44 boxes logged and then we started the counting process. One of the boxes had gotten broken along the way and UPS had reboxed it and tore off the label and reattached it to the new box. Brenda opened the box and commented on the fact that there was no packing in the box and the books were a mess. Then she pulled out a pack of 300 scratch off lottery tickets from the state of Pennsylvania. Yup. Amazing. Someone is in trouble.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Audrie's First Bike Ride

The trailer arrived from Papa got it all put together. He fixed his flat tire and gave my bike a good going over. Aired the tires, found the helmets and off we went. We drove to town and parked the truck. Rode from Fred Meyer to the park on 20th. It is about half a mile. Then we played at the park. Audrie wasn't done, but it was time to head home. So we rode back to the truck and then came home. She loved it. She loves the park. She loves slides. She got to experience the teeter totter at this park. She liked that also.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Side Jobs

So I got called back on the side job I had been laid off from. I just love when all the side jobs all fall on the same weekend and it is a short weekend at that. Makes me very busy.
Next weekend should be relatively quiet though. Maybe Dave and I should plan something fun for the three of us to do. :) Like a bike ride. Audrie's trailer arrived and Papa got it all put together. She liked going up and down the driveway.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Adrianna Day

Today was an Adrianna day. We went and saw "Winnie the Pooh" at the theater in BG. We got there a tad early so we wondered around and looked at the statues. Adrianna played on them and burnt off some energy. We had a conversation with a man in the parking lot. Adrianna doesn't seem to like to do that. Maybe she acts shy sometimes.

The movie was cute. Adrianna was very quiet and well-behaved. I think she enjoyed the movie. She wasn't as chattery as she was after the play, so maybe the movie ain't no big thing for her. :P She did watch it.

We had quite a chat in the car while we were driving. It was a good time.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Since Doug is engaged I am working very hard on my feelings and saying the serenity prayer. Trying to decide if it is Kristi herself I disliked or her parents who there is no question I dislike. I'm not going to be fond of anyone who accuses me of trying to murder their child. I know that I tend to sometimes pass down the sins of the father onto the child. I know that isn't right. And maybe I have been doing that. There is other history, but it really isn't about me and shouldn't be. So Kristi and I have made contact and are tentatively working through that.
I've got to say that through this whole time frame of her new relationship with Doug she has handled herself with grace. Didn't push in any way at us. Just let life happen even though she knew we weren't exactly pleased. So we'll see how it goes.

Red Lobster

Audrie, Mom and I went to Red Lobster for dinner tonight. Audrie visited with almost everyone in the restaurant. She explored the restroom and tried to figure out the doors. She is almost strong enough to open the door going in. She liked the crawdads as one man called the lobsters. She made a new friend and gave him lots of hugs. I think he was about four years-old. As always she was entertained and entertaining. We brought back leftovers for Daddy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I had a busy long weekend. Started Thursday with Elizabeth and ended Monday with Elizabeth. :P Elizabeth was also involved in my Friday and Saturday. Whew. Now back to routine and some slowness.
Bossman gave me the day off today because I have to work on Friday. We are slow at work, but it is set to change as the textbook people have started ordering for fall. Soon we will be rolling in the pallets again. And we got four last week and one yesterday already. We are having some personnel changes and Bossman is back to working. It's all good.
I keep thinking about Collin and how smart he is. He just turned six years-old and we were having a conversation about asteroids. He was so interested in the rocks on our wall and stuff in the flowerbed. I bet he grows up to be a scientist.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Last summer Nathan and Stacy had invited us over for Shabbat. Dave was still travelling so he wasn't able to make it. After dinner I naturally invited them to dinner at our house and we planned on BBQing. Well with Nathan in school, Dave travelling, Stacy trying to get surgery and getting surgery it just never worked out.

Fast forward to now. Nathan is working in Tacoma and they are getting ready to move there. So we decided we had better do it. Found a weekend when everyone was free and we did burgers. Audrie had a blast chasing Collin around. She took to Nathan and Stacy like they were family. Everyone enjoyed the food.

Now the plan is for us to go to Tacoma and then north to Seattle to Pike's Street Market.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Work Potluck

Elizabeth, Audrie and I attended my work potluck. There was a lot of good food. Audrie played on the playground for over an hour. Shortly after she started playing this group of little girls hijacked her. They walked her all over and up and down. Helped her with the slides. Every time she fell down, they would pick her up and brush her off. Pretty soon she didn't need their help anymore to go up and down or slide. She played with them until they left. Those girls were just at the park, not part of our group.

There was a group of homeless people that we conversed with after Audrie went running up to their dog. Kaina gave that group the leftover meat and buns from bbqing.

We also got to hear Kaina play his guitar and sing. He tried to convince others to join him, but we aren't a singing group. :P Audrie liked it and would get distracted from playing to listen to him.

Audrie also really liked Alan. What is not to like about Alan? He is a kid at heart. He is my favorite K-9 cop, although Akbar retired. So I guess that just makes Alan a normal old cop. :P Alan shared Marti's water with Audrie and then told us to take watermelon home since Audrie likes it so much.

We had a great time and I was glad that Elizabeth was with as my Nana's helper. She did a great job and got almost as worn out as Audrie.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Audrie and I drove up to Buckley yesterday to visit with her aunt and cousins. All the cousins were there this time. Usually the older kids are in school. Ethan and Braedan weren't really interested in playing. Audrie had a GREAT time with Corbin and Emmi though. She kept making Emmi carry her around. She wanted to help Corbin eat his sandwich instead of eating her own. We took some cherries up so she helped them eat some.

Myk and Cassie were suppose to go also, but Cassie had to work. It was a nice day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Congratulations are in Order

Doug is getting married again. I haven't heard the date yet, but I'm sure it won't be long. So congrats to Doug and Kristi. I hope you have a long and happy marriage.

Strawberry Jam

I was told that Audrie didn't like strawberry jam. Someone tried to feed it to her on something. And the first time she came in contact with it she wouldn't eat it. She just rolls that way. Sometimes she must have multiple exposure before she tries stuff.

So I made a batch of jam the other day and asked her if she wanted to try a bite from the pan. She refused like normal. But as I just held the pan for her she changed her mind and tried it. She likes it. She really likes it. What's not to like about fresh strawberry jam though.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Farmer's Market

David, Emma and Keenan met Audrie and I at Farmer's Market this morning. We had such a good time. Looked over the market, then played on the play structure. We all ate ate at the teriyaki stand. Then it was around the park to see what was there and the kids took a stroll through the fountain area. Finally back to the market where we all bought cherries. Yum.

WIC had a stand and we received snap peas for being part of WIC. They had a salad for us to sample made out of the peas and it was pretty good. Maybe Audrie and I will make it tomorrow.

We had a good time with good friends. I like how much Emma and Keenan like Audrie.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Welcome Molly

Oh and lest I forget.....Scott and Alison had their baby girl. She is Molly Lanna and weighed in at 10 pounds 3 ounces. Little chunk. We are so happy for them and wish them well. Lucy is a big sister now.

Ex-wives and Prior Girlfriends.

A couple of years ago Doug started going out with a gal from SC. We became internet friends. Well Doug broke up with her and went on his merry way. She is also military and got sent to Iraq. So almost a year has passed since they broke up and she will be returning home from Iraq soon. I told her that I would like to meet her in person when she returns stateside. She agreed that it would be fun. So it is a tentative plan. I would also like to visit Heather if I went that far. With me so far....
Doug's life now includes Kristi. Since I don't care for Kristi, it makes seeing Doug more difficult. He doesn't think that it should, but I won't go where I am uncomfortable, nor do I want to put someone I don't like in the position of conversing with me. That said I asked Doug if he would meet me for a meal if and when I make it back there.
His response was who else would I see there. Well I told him Heather and Kim. That took him by surprise and his response to that is wouldn't it be weird for me to spend time with his ex-wife and a prior girlfriend. Not at all. I told him he divorced Heather, not us. And then I should have said since he is seeing a prior girlfriend, why can't I? :P I ended up explaining the whole Georgia plan from before and said I now have a work around. I will not let Kristi or anyone else temper my relationship with Doug. I also will not let anyone else laugh at my feelings or hurt my feeling anymore. My children can do their thing and I will do mine that works for me.
I can't wait to meet Kim. She is personable and interesting. And she is my friend, not Doug's prior girlfriend. :P And I'm really hoping to connect with Heather also who is my friend, not Doug's ex-wife.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Almost Messed Up

We got busy after our trip to the Meuchals', so we hadn't made it back to
Thompson's berry farm. So I got off work early yesterday and decided to cruise on up there. She had four flats left and said today would be her last day. I bought a flat yesterday and today we are having shortcake and I have a batch of jam ready to cook. I almost blew it though by waiting too long. Glad I had an inkling yesterday that I needed to swing by.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Words and Olive Garden

Audrie and I met Jacob and Amanda at Olive Garden for supper tonight. We needed to bring Amanda up to date on all the work gossip. She is returning soon to work with us.
Audrie now says Jacob and Amanda. She practiced on the way home and at home. You can tell what she is saying. Pretty soon she is going to talk a blue streak and we will understand everything. In the meantime she talks that blue streak, we just don't have a clue what most of it means.
I also had a nice long chat with Doug today. We talked about school, ipads, trips, kids and cooking. I like being part of his every day life even if he is 3000 miles away.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July

So our holiday started yesterday with the neighbor's celebration. We curled up outside on the deck and watched their firework display. Audrie loved it. She was just mesmerized.
Then tonight we BBQed steaks, grilled taters, corn on the cob and devilled eggs. Delicious. Jodi and Zach stopped by for a visit. Audrie followed Zach every where he went. Mom came over and ate with us. It was very nice.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dinner at Pat's

Pat called me Friday night about chickens, a cherry tree and mole traps. During the conversation he commented that he was BBQing hamburgers. I took the opportunity to invite ourselves over. So after a quick trip to Walmart we went over and ate dinner with Pat. It's the first time he has ever fed us at his house. Audrie was well behaved and so were Ged and Lexie. Lexie did growl at Audrie and acted like she was biting. I had my hand in the way and she wasn't even opening her mouth. Good thing for her. We figured that was the time to go home as Lexie had had enough baby time. Pat cooked us hamburgers and corn on the cob. We had a nice time.

No we didn't want chickens, no Dave doesn't want the cherry tree and yes he has a mole trap that Pat can borrow. :P

Friday, July 1, 2011


I drove past a field today that they had just mowed for hay. It smelled like hay. That smell always takes me back to living in Minnesota and playing under the hay trailers at our grandparents' farm. Mom drove the tractor while the rest of them did the hay thing. Loading and unloading. I always seem to miss haying season on my trips back there. I doubt it would compete with my memory of the time. Funny how I even have it in my memory when so much has been forgotten. is probably why I like the smell of cats. They smell like hay to me. :P