A couple of years ago Doug started going out with a gal from SC. We became internet friends. Well Doug broke up with her and went on his merry way. She is also military and got sent to Iraq. So almost a year has passed since they broke up and she will be returning home from Iraq soon. I told her that I would like to meet her in person when she returns stateside. She agreed that it would be fun. So it is a tentative plan. I would also like to visit Heather if I went that far. With me so far....
Doug's life now includes Kristi. Since I don't care for Kristi, it makes seeing Doug more difficult. He doesn't think that it should, but I won't go where I am uncomfortable, nor do I want to put someone I don't like in the position of conversing with me. That said I asked Doug if he would meet me for a meal if and when I make it back there.
His response was who else would I see there. Well I told him Heather and Kim. That took him by surprise and his response to that is wouldn't it be weird for me to spend time with his ex-wife and a prior girlfriend. Not at all. I told him he divorced Heather, not us. And then I should have said since he is seeing a prior girlfriend, why can't I? :P I ended up explaining the whole Georgia plan from before and said I now have a work around. I will not let Kristi or anyone else temper my relationship with Doug. I also will not let anyone else laugh at my feelings or hurt my feeling anymore. My children can do their thing and I will do mine that works for me.
I can't wait to meet Kim. She is personable and interesting. And she is my friend, not Doug's prior girlfriend. :P And I'm really hoping to connect with Heather also who is my friend, not Doug's ex-wife.
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