Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Little Cups and Grown-ups

A little kid friendly coffee shop opened in BG this month. It is called Little Cups and Grown-ups. I waited patiently to see what it would be.  Today I had the day off so we decided to check it out.  It is $4 per child to play, but crawlers are free.  So Connor doesn't cost anything for a few more days yet.  There was a playhouse, a slide structure, tons of toys, a kitchen, a stage for plays, a train station, among other things.  Well worth the $4 on a rainy morning.  Audrie never really played with any other kids.  She just did her own thing and still pushed kids out of her way without waiting her turn.  I still think she had a good time because she did not want to leave.  Connor just jumped right in the frey and played with everything.  He watched all those other kids and did some discovering all on his own.  The slide structure had a tunnel at ground level and he thought that was cool.  We found some soft balls and rolled those back and forth to each other.  Another little girl got in on that action until her mom made her go do something else.  Don't ask me.  Maybe just a paranoid mama since I'm a stranger.  Both little kids enjoyed it so we will go back.

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