Saturday, April 20, 2013

Okay. Seriously.

Dave made comment about my ignoring his texts about Mike.  I basically told him what I felt and of course he said he only wants to keep me apprised of what is going on with Mike. Yeah right.  Anyway my relationship with Mike is my relationship.  I will worry as I choose to, not because Dave now has a confidant in one of Mike's friends.  Supposedly this friend was soliciting Dave's help in helping Mike.  You can't get help from another addict not in recovery.  And I still say pot kettle black when Dave is talking about Mike.
From there the conversation went on about how he took a telemarketer call and actually had the people come out and give him a bid on an awning because afterall we have been talking about it for years.  Well he has been talking about it for years.  I just sit there and listen.  Anyway he liked what he heard and he is probably going to do it.  Money seems to be flowing through his fingers.  This after he bought the battery operated car for Audrie.  I'm not going to work it out for him.  In the past I have always been the one who made all of his desires come true.  What I was thinking....was wait till the divorce and take an extra 5k out of the IRA because that amount isn't going to matter compared to what will come to me.  But he seems not to have a clue that that is coming down the pike. Ah well, c'est la vie.  But I am thinking it is time to quit procrastinating since he is in spend mode.

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