Friday, June 20, 2014

Dr. David

Early in the week we got a call asking if we could reschedule Audrie's dental work for today rather than waiting until the middle of July.  Well yes, yes we can.  And so we got up early and headed to the dentist office.  When we got there Dr. David wasn't there yet, but we had stuff to get done first.  Had my chat with the anesthesiologist and Audrie went potty.  Then we see Dr. David arrive and how cool is it that the dentist on occasion brings his baby to work.  Baby Jack was a cutie.  Audrie went back with the anesthesiologist and I chatted with Dr. David.  He wanted to take out her front teeth as well as the two back molars.  I frowned.  He thought that at some point her teeth had gotten a good bump and it allowed something to get up by the roots and start decaying.  She also had small cavities.  So we opted to cap the teeth and play it by ear.  He left me sitting in the waiting room to read my book.  About twenty minutes later he came out and told me those front teeth were already wiggly.  That means that the bone is already receding from the teeth trying to expel them.  So we went ahead and finished wiggling them out.  Dr. David said her adult teeth would come in quicker now as the way is already cleaned out.  So honestly she just looks like she is in the process of starting to lose her baby teeth.  Broke my heart though.
She came out of anesthesia groggy and unhappy.  We cuddled for a long time and she realized those front teeth were gone.  She kept putting her tongue and her fingers in the hole.  Her response later was she wanted her teeth back or new teeth.  She knows she will get more and wants them right now.  I understand but can't change anything.

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