So it seems the reason why Mike can't have anything of his dad's is because he might sell it and use the money to fund his drug addict lifestyle. He has already had too many cell phones so he has already proven that he only wants his dad's to sell. And maybe so. So he is told the electronics are all being sold. And look since they are sold by Doug instead of Mike then Mike can't use that money to buy drugs.
Well I have news for everyone. If Mike wants drugs....he knows where to get them. And not letting him have something because he might buy stupid. If he wants them he will get them regardless. This doesn't stop Mike from it.
Maybe it is about setting boundaries. Hmmm. Nah. It is about control. Doug is an alcoholic and he gets to use his inheritance to buy booze. No one is trying to stop him from his drug of choice. And of course he knows best......he knows how to fix Mike. We'll start by making him feel like trash when we take him to the house and follow him around like a guard because he might steal something. Even though that would be stealing from himself. And then we won't let him have anything because he might make a bad choice. That will fix him. Can't buy drugs without currency. The alcoholic is definitely superior to the addict. At least in this instance he controls the purse strings and by golly he is going to make sure that things are done his way. We are going to treat the addict like an addict and not a person.
When Mike was here before Dave died Dave had him work for him. And he paid him in cash. He wasn't so worried about whether Mike was going to make a bad choice or not. That is Mike's path and Mike's choices to make. And Dave had come to that place of realizing that. Mike did not steal anything when no one was looking. He was working on mending his relationships even if he hadn't found recovery yet. I'm glad that he and Dave found an understanding of each other.
So would Mike sell the stuff if he actually got a used cell phone and a used refurbished mini ipad? Maybe. Probably if he is using and the need becomes bad enough. The little bit that Mike might inherit is already set to be locked up in a trust and with a provision that Mike pass a drug test before he gets any of it. Dave had already protected him as best he could. And now Doug thinks he needs to take that one step further and not let him have those two items or anything else saleable. I feel really really sad for Mike. He lost his dad. And his brother is more concerned about things than how Mike might feel when he is told he can't have anything............but brother knows best.....nah....father knows best and dad would have let him have those things in this case. Because Mike is his son and they are the only two things Mike asked for.
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