Friday, August 28, 2015


So I managed to get Elizabeth's books. I found all really nice used books and it only costed $131 for four books and a course pack.  I'm happy happy.  So I texted Elizabeth to find out if they were home so I could drop them off.
We made a quick trip up to Papa's to see if ANYTHING had been done.  And naturally that is a no.  Although it looks like he tried to start the car and the battery was dead.  Duh.
So we drove over to Tanya's and we felt so unwelcome.  Audrie had brought her little toys to show/share with Adrianna who didn't even acknowledge Audrie.  Connor didn't care, he just searched for cats.  Tanya said no words at all to any of us. I did get the feeling that we woke her up at 5 pm.  Elizabeth made it pretty obvious that I wasn't welcome to come in the house.  I'm not sure what the problem was....but we left pretty quick and I guess we won't be going back.  It's not like we are EVER invited anyway.
My other blog has again been found.  Not that it was ever lost.  Now what was I had posted a link on facebook and Tanya followed it.  Now remember it has four counters on it so it doesn't miss much.  Well the first place she goes after reading the front page is to one of the guess is looking for the button that removes the visit.  Hmmmm.  She hasn't visited my blog in a long time so I found that interesting and I think it meant she has talked about my blog with Doug/Kristie because they are the only other ones who like to remove the visit from the one counter he/she can.  Then a few days later Doug/Kristie show up.  And they immediately also hit that same counter that Tanya did....and it isn't one you can remove yourself from.  I haven't quite figured out why though that he/she was looking for old posts when they already have all the incriminating posts printed off.  Anyway for a couple of different days they were searching for that old blog info.  And now they are just visiting.  I guess I wonder why, when they made it pretty obvious we are not part of their life....and that being the case, I don't think they should have so much interest in our life.  But they do.  Hmmmm  Anyway every one is free to read my grand family blog.  All it is is about our grand family and what we do.
My mom is driving me crazy with this comcast/dish epic.  I think we are just going to switch it all back to comcast and get the tech out to fix the shorting out issue.  We are going to reduce the bill and call it all good.  She has told me twice in the last week that DISH came and got their dish because she called them and told them to do it.  She said they cut her off.   So when we arrived yesterday she has the whole TV setup dismantled and the comcast stuff all strewn around.  Double oy.  I put the dish box back on the TV and lo and behold it all works. The dish is still on the roof right where they installed it three weeks ago.  So I took the extra comcast box and put it in my car before it gets messed up.  Oy oy oy.
Mike comes home in a week.  Assuming I can get to Wenatchee.  I'm a little apprehensive, but it will be all right.  We had quite a chat about how things move forward.  And then he pops off with wanting me to contact Doug for him or contact Tanya and have her do it for me for him.  No can do. I tried to explain that I no longer do anything that has anything to do with Doug.  And then Mike says he should just go to Dad's house and take what he wants. So we had a discussion about how he can't do that.  He feels it is completely unfair that Tanya gets the car and he gets squat because anything would have to be in the again every little thing must be sold so the money can be in trusts.
Okay so I think Dave was incredibly stupid to set it up that way, although I'm pretty sure that is not what he meant for Doug to do.  I honestly think he thought Doug would be honorable and generous in how he handled the estate.  Too bad.  It just gave Doug control over every body and that made him powerful, at least in his mind.  And it really is between Doug and his siblings.

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