Monday, December 28, 2015

2015 Winding Down

2015 is quickly coming to a close.  There have been a lot of ups and downs.  A lot of changes.  A lot of learning and growing  The biggest change was moving.  The hardest change was living without Dave.  But we did it and we have survived all of it. 
Audrie is growing in leaps and bounds with kindergarten.  She is practicing letters and their sounds all the time.  That in turn means Connor is also.  He never has to invent the wheel. 
Watching them grow and interact and learn warms my heart.  I love when their faces light up as they grasp new things.  Lately we have been discussing weddings and kissing and dresses.  I think my girly girl is starting to plan hers already. 
My personal world has shrunk and grown in unexpected ways.  Nice to finally find a friend to do grown up stuff with.  Sad that I allowed my world to be so taken up in the past that I lost a lot of myself.  Working on finding me and expanding my world.  So I again thank all those who I reconnected with from my past who reminded me of who I was and still am somewhere in the person I became.
So as this year winds down I am thankful for all the lessons.  I am thankful for the changes good and bad.  I am nothing if not a survivor and a bit of a sociopath.  And I have accepted that.  And now to start planning 2016 as much as it can be planned because I have learned that life always throws me a curve ball. 

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