Saturday, January 23, 2016


We've been working on cleaning stuff out.  So today we found a box of pictures.  No idea why it was separate from the rest.  Most of them seemed like Dad's pictures. There were some from some trip where he stopped and looked at all these rattle snakes. Audrie loved those. Anyway some of the pictures were more family.  We found Dick's memorial paper from his funeral.  And we were sad.
Dick was a friend of Dad's.  Another truck driver. He died about six months after Dad.  I always always loved when he came out this way.  He played cribbage with me.  Taught me finer aspects of the game.  He had quite an accent and yet he was born in MN.
We looked at pictures of Grandma Mary and Granny.  We looked at Grammy when she was much younger and had red hair.  We deduced who some people were.
I also found my external hard drive with all my pictures on it.  I knew it was here somewhere, but since I moved I haven't found a lot of things. Glad it turned up.
I told Mom we should go ahead and get rid of all the paperwork for Dad's truck.  She got very worried.  I reminded her that Dad has been gone for 27 years and the IRS can only go back seven years.  I'm not sure I convinced her.  But it will be all right.  I have filled the recycle bin every week since I have been here with the exception of this week.  And you can just now start to notice that things are getting lighter.  And I have found interesting things.
I found a letter that Mom's brother wrote to her in 1989.  The brother she never knew she had until around then.  So I found him on facebook.  Now we wait and see if he responds.  I think he will.
So I am a bit nostalgic with all these things I have been looking at.

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