Saturday, December 31, 2016

Close of 2016

It actually turned into an all right year.  Mom is settled for now and it is better.  We did a lot of things on our wish list.  We camped a few times and went to the Midwest.  Had a good time visiting family and friends.  I got a motorcycle ride.  We went to the fair and the little man is ready to go again.  Wait till August little man.  We visited the Children's museum a couple of times.
We didn't go on any hikes to speak of this year.  Hope we do better with that next year.  But we did visit some parks and playgrounds.  We met more of our neighbors and enjoyed the street picnic.  We celebrated birthdays and holidays.  I got to attend an amazing concert with my friend.  We rode a train and played in pools.  The littles had a couple sessions of swimming lessons.
I think I worked more this year than previous years and that is good.  I have gained new skills.  The littles have grown.  We found a babysitter who isn't a flake.
We were not successful this year in expanding our world too much, but it is okay. We filled our time with a lot of memories.  We had a pretty good year and enjoyed ourselves.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Finishing Up

Last day of the year for work.  A nice long eight hour day by myself.  There was enough work to keep me amused.  I received two baby pallets of books and got them put away.  I even had work left over when four o'clock came.  That way we have something to do in the new year.  ;p
The littles got their thank you notes done.  That one in the front the little man made for his Nana Nita.  Such a sweetheart.  I think it is important that we show we appreciate the things that are given to us.  Or to at least acknowledge them.  I know how annoying it is to send someone something and then never know if it even got there.  And I really hate asking, but I do.  And hopefully I am instilling a good habit in the littles.  

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Mostly Back to Routine

Took the tree down.  I love the space it left.  Like breathing room.  And it isn't like the living room was crowded.  Just left a nice space.  Tomorrow I will probably put the plants back and that space will be gone.
I have to figure out AGAIN how to get the lights off the house.  Guess since I figured it out last year I will figure it out this year.
Just getting back to our more normal routine.  The holidays are almost done.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


It has obviously been too long since we attended theaters on a regular basis.  Looked up "Moana" for today and the 4:30 show is no longer a matinee.  I'm not paying $11.25 for me to see an animated movie even if I have a gift card.  I don't understand the change.  On the weekend it was still a matinee and Tuesdays are still cheap (hence the full theater on Tuesday).
So we will wait for a weekend or until the movie hits the 10 theater by Target.
Glad I didn't say anything to the littles this morning.  No disappointment today.

Ups and Downs

It has been a rollercoaster of late.  Mike went to jail and I was relieved.  Then he started talking about fighting the charge because he didn't have the gun in possession when they arrested him.  Said it could take three months.  Didn't make me happy but still gave me some breathing room.  Then he started talking about how they were going to petition to dismiss and he could be out soon.  And everything felt like it was falling.  He hasn't been in long enough.
Well now he is still fighting the charge, but it sounds like he won't win.  Could be a ploy to get the sentence reduced.  But as it stands if convicted of the current charge he could get three years because the gun wasn't on him.  Had it been on him he could have gotten five.  So I am feeling a bit better with a small hint of relief.
Just tired of the rollercoaster all the time.  Ready for a break.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Best Laid Plans

So the plan was to pick the kids up from daycare and head to the theater.  We decided on watching "Moana" for sure with our gift card.  Well we are standing in line when the cashier puts up the sold out sign.  Ugh.  Well it is tightwad Tuesday and the theater was packed.  Guess we try another day.
After that disappointment we headed to McDonald's and played in the play place for a good hour and a half.  They ran and ran and ran.
When we got home they hit the tub and are now vegging in front of the TV.  Methinks we will sleep good tonight.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Day After

The little man didn't seem up to par today.  He fell asleep early in the afternoon on the couch.  That allowed me a small nap, which I liked.  He perked up a bit after that and we got a few groceries.  Amazing how much doesn't happen when one of us feels a little under the weather.
Cassie had called the night before and talked to the little man while he was in the tub finger painting the walls.  Said she would call back today to talk to Audrie, but she didn't.  I'm sure she just got too busy.  She had asked him about all of his gifts and said it a couple of times that he had to have gotten a lot of gifts.  I'm hoping that her saying that makes him feel like he got "a lot" of gifts and not pointing out that he did not get "a lot".  I'm sure Jazzlynn did.  They had a couple of big gatherings.  We did not.
Audrie and Connor live in a household of three.  Our family consists of Grammy and Uncle Pat and sometimes Daddy.  We live with a budget that we stick to.  And our life is not all about how much stuff we can get.  So each kid on Xmas got a Santa present, a wonderful gift from Uncle Pat that they loved, three gifts from Nana and a gift from each other.  The littles opened their gifts and loved them.  And it was enough.  They still have a gift from Grammy to open when we have Xmas with Grammy.  Nana Nita had sent them money and they bought a toy.  Mommy sent them $20 and they will have fun spending the money, and won't have a concept of what that really is or compare it to what Jazzlynn may have gotten.  Thank goodness.
So I'm glad we did the memory things for the season.  We rode the polar express, drove around looking at lights, watched the Christmas boats, baked a lot of cookies and watched Christmas shows.  We spent time together doing things together.  And when the littles are grownups they will remember the things we did and won't be able to tell you what they got for Christmas 2016. They did get a lot, not just presents.  Sometimes I have to remind myself of that also.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas 2016

Santa came.  Then we waited for Pat.  The little man charged his helicopter while we waited.  He really wanted an rc helicopter.  Naturally afterwards he remembered that he really really wanted a battery operated dirt bike.  Santa brought the helicopter.  
Little miss said her art kit and the MLP dolls were the best gift ever.  They also liked their new chairs.  They all liked them including Phoebe who is claiming the pink one as her own.  It is comfortable and less of a jump to get into.  I think she has some arthritis in her hips.  Pat took the littles home for a couple of hours afterward and I got a nap.  That was my best present.  :)
We had a light meal.  Saving the big meal for next weekend when we can do Christmas with Mom.  We did try to call her but she must have been sleeping.  Hopefully the quarantine will be done by then.  Pretty soon the bug will have hit every person in Mom's square.  

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve 2016

The little man was feeling much better today.  And so after Judy dropped by to leave a basket, we went shopping.  They each had a twenty dollar bill from Nana Nita and it was burning a hole in my wallet apparently.  They picked their gift and loved doing so.  Then we went home to wait for Uncle Pat to arrive for our traditional eve fair.
In the mail was an amazon package.  Now my first thought is that all the stuff I had ordered online had already been delivered.  The last thing I expected was a gift in the mail.  And yet that is exactly what I got.  In the package was a regal gift card to take the littles to a movie.  And it is wonderful timing as we were just talking about going and seeing "Moana".  How grateful am I for a friend who has obviously picked up on my attitude that experiences and the memories are better than the material. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I am blessed in many many ways.
Then Pat arrived and he brought a gift for the littles to have tonight.  It is a throwback Atari.  He set it up and the littles have played and played.  They have gotten a tad frustrated with having to learn how to play it and having to share and take turns.  But it is where you begin.  At the beginning, learning how games and consoles work and what better way than the basics. They will be ready for the newest and bestest next year.
We had Chinese food and watched "Finding Dory".  It really was a cute movie and I still enjoyed it even with the littles telling all the spoilers.  They had seen it at daycare.  I have given up on trying to find something we all haven't seen.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Super Quiet Day

Other than taking the little woman to the dentist, we did nothing today.  The little man came down with a bug and just wanted to lay on the couch all day.  And he wanted me on the couch by him.  So we vegged in front of the television.  All Day.  It was a long day.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Living Nativity

We took a trip over to Brenda's church to check out the Living Nativity.  The littles were infatuated with Curly and the goats and the donkey and the tree they could climb in.  We met Curly when we went to the Harvest Festival back in October.  Today he was decked out as a camel from the birth of Jesus.  He had lights and a camel saddle.  I don't know if it is really a saddle but that is what it reminded me of. The littles enjoyed it.  Creating memories and enjoying our little Christmas season.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Amy and I had a short conversation today about cows.  She had posted on facebook about her husband wanting a farm and how she could milk cows.  She absolutely said she could not/would not ever milk a cow.  Now granted she was talking about milking a cow by hand and nobody does that anymore.
So I told her she could do it.  The milking part.  I'm sure she never will.  She is more of a city girl.  So I likened her and her husband to "Green Acres".  Anyway we all can do stuff, just a lot of stuff we choose not to.   A lot of stuff we aren't comfortable doing.
I know how to milk a cow.  Doesn't mean I am ever going to again either.
And a side note.....Amy and I both like cats. I have heard that a cow's tongue is rough like a cat but bigger.  I'm not letting a cow lick me, but I will let a cat.  I'm pretty sure Amy isn't going to either.  We have that in common.  I will pet a cow.  I'm not so sure about Amy.  ;p
Anyway the conversation made my day.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter Solstice

I didn't check to see when it was.  So it is going to slip by without hot chocolate this year.  Longest night of the year.  The moon will do a spectacular show around midnight.  We will be asleep.
Instead we wrapped the little gifts for the teachers.  We got all of them little scarves for winter or headbands.  They are cute and we are being thoughtful.  I think we will deliver them tomorrow so no little man is tempted to unwrap what we wrapped.
That said.....looks like again this year I have to wait to put gifts under the tree.  The little man is just too fascinated with presents and wanting to unwrap them.  I bet he is going to be my peeker when he gets older.

Monday, December 19, 2016


Well time certainly did get away from me.  Realized this weekend that Christmas is in a week.  I have most of my shopping done.  What I don't have done is the littles.  And guess what? I work, they go to daycare.  I don't work, they are with me.  Can't very well shop for them when they are with me.  Guess we will be fitting in some fast shopping either before or after work.  Other than that we are right on target for everything getting done.
I'll be checking on Mom tomorrow to see if the "quarantine" has been lifted yet.  Seems very strange to not see her for this long.  We are at four days.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Family Dinner

We did have one big accomplishment today.  We finally got the coat closet cleaned out.  The little man had a blast pulling all the stuff out of it.  Pulled a whole big box of old shoes and crap out that can go to the dump.  Found a stack of coats to go to the Goodwill.  And now the vacuum cleaner has a home.  I'm so excited.
After that we went and picked up Uncle Pat and went out for dinner.  Just to Skippers.  Every one enjoyed it.  The little man watched Uncle Pat catch Pokemon.  Seems to be their thing.  Then we went back to Pat's and played with the dogs.  Always a highlight.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Easy Day

We had an easy day.  My knee is acting up and I can feel the fluid in it.  It won't pop so we are just babying it.
I called a couple of Mom's friends to see if they could pay her a visit in the near future.  One was an absolute yes and the other won't be able to due to her own health issues.  But she promised to call.  Guess we better do a better job of making sure the phone is charged.  ;p
Our big accomplishment for the day was going to see Grammy and we didn't.  The cottage was in quarantine due to some stomach bug going around in there.  They were trying to keep it contained and not have it spread.
Then we went grocery shopping and picked up a few things.  And then one of us vegged while the other two didn't.  Guess who has a mess to clean up.  Good thing we have instituted them helping especially when it is their mess.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Winter Break Begins

It is actually another snow day, but the little woman won't go back to school now until next year.  So off to daycare the littles went.  They had a smashing day.  It was still very cold.
Then we picked up Cheyenne and went out for dinner.  I wanted to see how the new Red Robin in town was.  It was fine. We had a nice evening with Cheyenne.  We are taking a little time to get to know her better.
We don't know how long Cheyenne will be in our lives and that is okay.  We take life one day at a time and roll with it.  She is a friend of Mike's.  Sometimes his girlfriend.
And it struck me that Christmas is nine days away.  And while I have made great progress......I barely have the littles started.  Guess I better hop to it.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


I've been thinking a lot about Amber lately.  Mike met Amber in Wenatchee.  She literally saved his life his first summer up there.  He was dehydrated and about passed out in a gas station parking lot.  Drugs do a lot of stupid things to you including making you think you are invincible and can be out in heat over 100 degrees and not drink water.  Anyway she rescued him and kept an eye on him the rest of the time he was up there.
We stayed with her the last time we drove to Wenatchee to pick Mike up.  We have been facebook friends since she came into our lives.
She has had a lot of ups and downs.  She has three kids and is doing the best job that she can to provide and raise.  And sometimes she gets down. She is extremely creative and makes cute tutus and gorgeous cupcakes.
I watch her be a woman of faith and trying to really live what she believes.  She is just a wonderful person who has sowed a hard road, but she gives me hope in a future.  She was part of a video a church did up there and she told her story of heroin.  I didn't know that part of her life.  I didn't need to.  But knowing it makes me even more impressed with the person that she is.  She has struggled and survived and continues to do so in many different ways. She is an inspiration.
We were blessed the day she came into our lives.  And we can only hope that the blessing she gave us is returned to her a hundredfold.

Jailed Again

It was just a matter of time.  And I kept waiting and waiting.  I was amazed that it didn't happen.  And then it did.  Finally.
My child gets clean in jail/prison and has all these good intentions.  And then he gets out and almost immediately falls down.
So long story short....this time he has a couple of weapons charges.  And that means he is going away for a longer period of time.  So be it.  Maybe it will be what it takes.
And for me all I can do is hope I have the strength to let him be.  He made his choices and he has his consequences.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


It started snowing at work.  Liz was getting worried.  Turns out she was probably right to worry.  I got off at 3 and got home with no problem.  When I turned on the TV later I could see Portland was a mess and it had started before 3.  Liz's husband works over in the Hillsboro area and they live in Salmon Creek area.  I bet his drive was horrendous.
The school called and have already cancelled school tomorrow.  So the littles have a snow day.  And a day care day.  It's all good.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


We looked at the schedule.  Then we looked at the weather.  Tonight was the best night to go watch the Christmas ships go down the Columbia.  So we headed over to the river.  Couldn't find a place to park.  Ended up at the boat dock down by the water resource center.  Not the best vantage point.
We watched the ships and oohed and awed.  And then we waited for them to come back.  After our patience wore out we started back out.  Caught up to the boats almost to the bridge.  We found a place to park and had a much better sight line and the boats were on our side.  Nice night for boat watching.  And it was free.  And we still liked the lochness monster and the fish.

Monday, December 12, 2016

More Cookies

It may be the last of the Christmas cookies we make this year.  I certainly don't need to eat that many of them.  So we got out the kisses and the peanut butter and went to town.  Made a double batch.  Each batch is suppose to make 48 cookies.  It is a rare occurence for me to actually have the number that I make match the number the recipe says it makes.  So instead of 96 we ended with 70.
The littles really love to help with this stuff.  I call it tradition and making memories.  I have been baking cookies with kids my entire adult life.  I'm not sure it would be as much fun without them.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Making Christmas Progress

The littles hung up snowflakes on the window.  They are really getting into this decorating thing.  Taking stock shows all our cards are mailed, some of our presents have arrived (ordered online) or been delivered.  Still waiting on a couple.  It's a great thing about small families.  Doesn't take long to do the shopping.
The tree is still beautiful and it looks like maybe the kitten has discovered it.  So far she hasn't done anything to it.  Phoebe is a pretty good guard dog of the front room. The lights outside are still shining.  So all in all we are doing well.
Just have to maybe figure out another activity to pass the time.  Maybe a trip up to Pittock Mansion is in order.  Or the Grotto.  Guess time will tell.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Christmas Tree

Today was the day.  We have planned it for a couple of weeks.  And yet when it got here no one wanted to motivate.  Finally mid afternoon we were all dressed and ready to go.  We had a couple stops to make first.  Dropped off mail for Mom and stopped and saw Gayle and Bill.  
Then we hit the stand in Orchards because the sign had said $10 trees.  Ha.  Not today.  We headed back to Hazel Dell where we should have stopped at first.  Yes they had $10 trees and they were all small.  The littles managed to find a pretty beautiful little tree. 
They decorated the whole thing themselves.  It started off with just white and sliver.  And then little miss decided we needed to put some red ornaments on.  I think she was right.  Decorating the tree is always a sentimental time.  My aunt Cris made me the tree skirt many years ago. I still love the little angels that I have been using for over twenty years.  Mona gave me bead ornaments one year and they are still a favorite.  Along with the red cardinal.  Little did she know it would have great meaning soon after.  Red cardinals are symbols of our loved ones who have passed.  So light and love Dave and the bird is on the tree.  
One child wanted an angel top and the other wanted a star.  The angel won because that is what we had.  Kind of sad all the stuff that is gone, but we make new memories as we go. If nothing else we have learned never to be too attached to stuff.  It is the people and the memories that are important. Hopefully the littles will remember that they decorated trees with Nana and she let them do it all if they wanted to.  

Friday, December 9, 2016

Another Snow Day

Not for me though.  The school district originally was going with a late start.  So I woke the kids up and started getting every one ready to go to daycare.  Explained to the little woman how it was going to work.  And then the district changed to closed.  Then I had to explain the change.
I believe they both had an excellent day at daycare.  The little man told me how he got to go to the gym with the big kids and he saw his sister. He is five now so will be transitioning to the gym for the daycare aspect.  He will stay in the pre-school room for pre-school.
I got to work and it got busy.  As the day went on more and more rental books were returned.  That has been my focus this week.  Processing those books and putting the ones we kept out on the floor.  I put on almost 9000 steps which is a lot.  And it's not just steps. It is steps pushing heavy book carts.
Glad the day is done and looking forward to my four day weekend.  We plan on getting a tree, the little man and I are spending Monday just one on one and I am taking my mom Christmas shopping.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Snow Day

All three of us got a snow day today.  Poor Audrie's started with a trip to the dentist for a filling.  She was a trooper and took it in stride.  Later it ached and she suffered through it because she refused to take any pain medicine.
We spent the afternoon on the couch cuddled watching movies.  She wanted to watch "A Nightmare Before Christmas" and then we watched "Home Alone 4".
Then the littles went outside and played in the snow.  The little woman got mad at the neighbor boys for throwing snow at her.  I noticed she didn't come in and tattle though.  She is getting more grown up all the time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Busy Work, Quiet Night

Lots and lots of rental returns to process at work.  I feel like I did as much today as I did the last two days combined.  And maybe I did.
But the evening was quiet.  We have been so busy as of late.  It was nice to just kind of veg.  And we already heard that there is no school tomorrow.  Wonder what the day will be like?

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Family Night

It was family night at Mom's senior living space.  They have it all very nicely decorated.  The turnout was really good as the dining room was pretty full.  Entertainment came in to sing.  We were fed prime rib with potatoes, beans and rolls, with cheesecake for dessert.  Mom was so glad we came.  She really wanted Pat to be there too, but she knew he had to work.

Monday, December 5, 2016


Work is having a cookie tasting day  on Wednesday.  Tomorrow night we are booked up so we needed to bake some cookies tonight.  So we have the very first batch of cookies decorated and baked.  I pulled out what I need for work and will take those to work tomorrow.  Otherwise they won't last long enough to be taken on Wednesday.
The littles had fun and I heard at least one of them say how good they were.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Great Adventure


We had the biggest adventure this weekend. We left for Hood River pretty early for a Saturday morning.  The Mt. Hood Rail Road suggested arriving an hour early for the Polar Express ride.  So we needed to be there by 10:30.  And we were.
We got our book and found our seat on the train.  The littles were completely enthralled.  We went for our ride, had hot chocolate and cookies, met the conductor and saw Santa. Santa  gave them their very own polar express bell. It was pretty cool.
Then after that we found a McDonald's for lunch which took care of time until we could check into the hotel.  We stayed at the Hampton Inn.  Nothing like staying in a newer hotel. Every thing glistens.  It was all decorated up and it had a pool.  I found the water a little cold, but the hot tub was hot.  And they fed us breakfast this morning.
We had dinner at a Chinese place called the China Gorge.  They sat us next to a fish tank and that was the best thing.  We watched the fish the whole time.  The littles loved it.  The food was all right.
It was a nice weekend out of the routine.  Next weekend we will get our tree.  :)

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A Griddle

When I was young I did not want anything practical.  I thought a gift should be personal, not something for the house. So when we were first married and Dave bought me a griddle, I was not that pleased. That turned out to be one of the best presents he ever gave me.  And he gave me lots of jewelry over the years, so that says something.
So I am passing that feeling on, hopefully.  I gave Catie a griddle for Christmas.  She has a family and may find that it is a fantastic present and a great way to make pancakes for a group.  I hope so.  And it is just my way of sharing something from my life with her.  
Merry Christmas Catie.  

Friday, December 2, 2016

Two Years

Two years ago today Dave left this world.  I still think about him and dream about him all the time.  I guess it would be weird if I didn't.  I still miss him, but it is not with that intense grief feeling.  Time has passed and I have healed as much as I'm going to.
The littles don't have the memory of him much.  I think it comes back to them in bits and pieces.  But it is that way with a lot of things for them.  They remember Minnie, but not Max.  Minnie played with them more.
Audrie asked about my wedding dress, so maybe it is time to break out that photo album and look at the pictures.  Papa was dashing.  That was a lot of life ago.  But it was one of the happiest days of our lives.
We had a pretty good life even with the bumps.
Light and Love Dave.  I love you and I miss you. And what you told me at the end turned out to be true.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The End

The little woman and I went to the store and used the last WIC checks. Got all our milk and fruit.  She wanted strawberries and who am I to turn that request down.  WIC has been part of our lives for over seven years.  Cassie got on it when she was pregnant with Audrie.
In those years we have gotten a lot of formula and milk as well as the other stuff.  Greatly appreciate the program.  And we will miss the checks and the gals who worked in the WIC office the entire time we went there.