Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Amy and I had a short conversation today about cows.  She had posted on facebook about her husband wanting a farm and how she could milk cows.  She absolutely said she could not/would not ever milk a cow.  Now granted she was talking about milking a cow by hand and nobody does that anymore.
So I told her she could do it.  The milking part.  I'm sure she never will.  She is more of a city girl.  So I likened her and her husband to "Green Acres".  Anyway we all can do stuff, just a lot of stuff we choose not to.   A lot of stuff we aren't comfortable doing.
I know how to milk a cow.  Doesn't mean I am ever going to again either.
And a side note.....Amy and I both like cats. I have heard that a cow's tongue is rough like a cat but bigger.  I'm not letting a cow lick me, but I will let a cat.  I'm pretty sure Amy isn't going to either.  We have that in common.  I will pet a cow.  I'm not so sure about Amy.  ;p
Anyway the conversation made my day.

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