Thursday, December 15, 2016


I've been thinking a lot about Amber lately.  Mike met Amber in Wenatchee.  She literally saved his life his first summer up there.  He was dehydrated and about passed out in a gas station parking lot.  Drugs do a lot of stupid things to you including making you think you are invincible and can be out in heat over 100 degrees and not drink water.  Anyway she rescued him and kept an eye on him the rest of the time he was up there.
We stayed with her the last time we drove to Wenatchee to pick Mike up.  We have been facebook friends since she came into our lives.
She has had a lot of ups and downs.  She has three kids and is doing the best job that she can to provide and raise.  And sometimes she gets down. She is extremely creative and makes cute tutus and gorgeous cupcakes.
I watch her be a woman of faith and trying to really live what she believes.  She is just a wonderful person who has sowed a hard road, but she gives me hope in a future.  She was part of a video a church did up there and she told her story of heroin.  I didn't know that part of her life.  I didn't need to.  But knowing it makes me even more impressed with the person that she is.  She has struggled and survived and continues to do so in many different ways. She is an inspiration.
We were blessed the day she came into our lives.  And we can only hope that the blessing she gave us is returned to her a hundredfold.

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