Monday, February 20, 2017

Limbo, Plans, Looking for Home

What an epiphany the other day when I was talking to a friend and realized we are still in limbo.  STILL.  I hate limbo.  This house of Mom's is never going to feel like home.  No matter what I do or plan to do, it still feels like her house.  And the house that makes her so angry with me about.  She will be fine with all the decisions made and the way things are and I start to feel a bit comfortable.  And then wham......she remembers that she is beyond mad.  She is in rage mode.  So she still fires me, she still evicts me, and she still wishes all this on me. And it doesn't matter that the decision for me to live in her house was made a couple of years before she had to move to assisted living, she lives in the moment.
Right now we are stuck in limbo.  As long as I have to pay for daycare for the little man I don't have extra money to use on housing.  And right now it would take more money than what I have expendable.  So that gives me about seven months to work something else out.
Instead of trying to make this home....I think it is time to start cleaning it up, condensing the contents.  Really taking to heart that Mom did give me permission to get rid of stuff, even if she won't remember that now.  Time to make it presentable for sale.  And then we need to look at moving.
I have perused the internet looking at houses.  I actually found a couple that I could afford to buy.  The problem would be the financing.  But I am betting there is some creative stuff out there that I could make it work.  So I need to talk to a money person.  I need to keep looking online for what is available.  And I need to decide if long term we are staying in this area or if we will take flight when we are able.

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