Friday, February 17, 2017

Unawarded Awards Assembly

The end of the semester Awards Assembly was held at the little woman's school today.  They gave out the awards for perfect attendance, striving for excellence, Always hitting the mark with hard work in the classroom and then in specialty classes (PE, Band, Art, Wood shop and Drama), and citizenship. Most classes had two students who received an award for each classification.  It was explained a couple of times about how hard it was to choose the recipients from all the kids.  My reflection on this, which has nothing to do with how deserving any of the kids were for the come some students got multiple awards?  Anyway it was a nice presentation and they showed a PowerPoint of pictures taken so far this year and that was fun.  You could hear kids reacting to it.
My little woman did not get an award and I really did not expect her to.  She doesn't strive to do her best all the time.  She doesn't hit every mark every time even when she works hard for it.  She doesn't always treat every one as nicely as she should.  She doesn't like PE.  I didn't get any notification from her teacher that said I should try and attend because of an award.  The notification was just part of the general newsletter that came to the house.  I had free time and thought I would just go.  And I'm really glad I did.
The little woman's class was one of the last to come in.  I watched her and was standing up.  She didn't know I was coming because I didn't tell her.  And yet she was looking for me.  Her whole face lit up when she saw me.  I caught her looking my way several times.  And when the assembly was over and they were making their way out I went over and gave her a high five.  She was so happy.  So she didn't seem to care one way or another about the awards, but she cared that I was there.  And that is why I was.

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