Wednesday, May 31, 2017


I am playing catch up on my shows.  Almost cleared the DVR.  Watching the end of one and waiting for the end so I can delete it when it played a blip of the news that night.  Right as it went to the delete screen I realized I recognized the photo of the man on the news.  And naturally it was gone.  So that sent me on a search.
Sure enough the guy used to be one of our delivery guys at work.  Really nice guy who was having some health issues and didn't feel supported at work.  So he moved on.  Well two weeks ago he got into some kind of fight and died.  The other guy stabbed him with something.  Details are sketchy.
The thing is.... most of the time violence doesn't really touch our lives.  We hear the things on TV and the radio, but usually it is just names.
This has been a tough year.  Just things that touch us a little closer to home.  One of my cousins was attacked a couple of months ago by her estranged husband.  He chopped her hand off with a machete and tried to kill her.  Her hand could not be saved.  He was arrested and hopefully spends the rest of his days incarcerated.  She gets to learn to live life in a new way.  But she is alive.
I think that is all close enough and we can go back to the normal way of life now.  RIP Brian.

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