Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Walking In Mud

Oy.  Every step is like walking in mud.  I am trying to do my part in helping Dave's brother Duane buy a house.  He has a lender all lined up, but they need some things.  And some of those things are easiest coming from me as the trustee of his trust.
So Duane and I have been searching our respective piles of paperwork looking for the original trust paperwork.  After three days of searching we have given up.  I went to the attorney's office. Well yes, they can get me a copy.  But the original is in storage, so it will take a day.  I left them with instructions to just scan it and email it to me and then I can forward it to the lender.
Then we had the issue of money.  He wanted to use his trust money for his down payment.  Great plan.  The lender wanted the money wired.  Well I start that whole process to find out I need to add Duane's bank account to the information the mutual fund has.  Well three days later I can't get verified.  A call to the mutual fund didn't help.  They can't wire with out the bank being connected to the fund.  Argh.  So off to the bank I go with a check.  Naturally the bank puts a five day hold on the funds.
And Duane is suppose to close in two days.  Don't think it is going to happen.  Every step I take feels like walking in mud and it takes so much longer than it should.  It might have helped had I knew the amount needed and the closing date sooner than a few days before.
C'est la vie.  It will all work out the way it is suppose to.

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