Saturday, December 23, 2017

Life's Curve Balls

Not for our family today.  But what happened to others makes me appreciate what we have.  A gal I went to high school with and reconnected with at the reunion turns out to be sociable, personable, genuine and outgoing.  All those opposite personality traits from me (except I am genuinely me).  We became friends on facebook so I have gotten glimpses into her life.  Her father died this morning.  From all posts he must have been one hell of a man.  The little blip that you almost don't catch is that he had dementia. Naturally that is going to pull on one of my own heart strings.  Where her life is is where mine is going.  Lisa and I would have a lot to talk about.
While that was going on, Gabriel died.  About a year ago I had one of those little sidebar things showing groups that friends like trying to entice me to follow more groups.  Just a facebook thing.  So Nita and Traci were following or liked Gabriel's Giant Journey.  Gabriel was born with Weaver syndrome which is overgrowth to explain simply.  Then he a neuroblastoma, another heart string for me. He underwent many surgeries and chemotherapy's.  Just when they thought it was all good he got leukemia.  Leukemia can be a side affect from chemotherapy.  Gabriel is the son of one of Mike's good friends from back in the day before hard drugs.  Justin spent many hours in our company.  And so I watched from the sidelines as this family went through the last year of this horrible ordeal.  Gabriel turned seven this year.  Too young to have gone through all he went through.  Now he is at peace.
I send lots of light and love to these two families.  Their heartbreak must be crushing.  Life and its curve balls makes me appreciate that today we are okay.  Today we breathe, love, laugh and just be with each other.  I hope that Lisa and Justin find their own peace when they can.  They have big holes in their hearts that aren't ever going away.

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