Thursday, June 14, 2018

Small Life Lesson

My little man rarely backs down.  Now that is either going to serve him well or get him in a lot of trouble in the future.  But it is part of who he is.  So when bigger kids pick on him....he fights back and sometimes not fairly.  And then he has this spitting thing.  I'm so tired of the spitting thing. 
So it starts with him spitting on the little woman's friend.  I believe it happened (twice) at basketball skills.  The class was a co-ed multi-age class.  I have no idea if she said or did anything or if he was just in one of those spitting moods.  Anyway she let me know and then I guess he did it again and her mom talked to him.  As far as I know that was the end of it. 
Then there is a friend of hers in the neighborhood who is in her class.  This was definitely a case of bigger kids picking on littler kids.  And like I said he doesn't back down.  It did end when he was throwing rocks.  I basically told him to stay away from that street.  The little woman still plays with that friend on occasion. 
The little woman and I were having a heart to heart and she commented about her two friends continuing to tell people in their class about the things that her brother did to them.  And how it made her feel and that she wished they would stop.  I'm like wait..what?  The incidents happened weeks ago and it is still ongoing in her class.  I'm not sure of the reason.  Maybe they were trying to warn people that if you are friends with the little woman you risk going up against her brother.  Or they just like to make her feel bad.  Either is it's own form of bullying. 
My response, right or wrong, was there is only one day left of school and then it should die out.  I'm pretty non-confrontational.  And I know that my passive aggressive way does not always work.  But for now we shall see what happens. I was just sad that she had to have the little life lesson of sometimes the people you think are your friends....really aren't.  And one of those two girls was her very first school friend. 

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