Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Worn Out

I'm tired.  I'm counting down the days until Mike gets out of incarceration.  Just so I can take a couple day break.  When he is released he will be clean and sober and that is what he needs to be to help me.  I do not hold my breath for how long it  will last, but I know it is okay the first couple of days anyway. 
I read this list of eight questions.  Now I don't put a lot of faith in blip things, but it said if you answer yes to four of them that you are exhausted, mentally, physically and emotionally.   I answered yes to all eight.  And that is how I feel most of the time. 

Monday, April 29, 2019


Our house is filled with little OCD routines.  The things the little woman needs to do to manage her anxiety that is with her 24/7.  It's not completely outrageous as some cases are.  But it is enough that it interferes with her life.  For instance...she does not go to bed until after the little man is asleep.  She lives by the front door...as it is an escape route.  And she is always on guard for him to do anything.  Now he thinks this is hilarious and purposely taunts her just to get her to run.  I have explained to him that that is not helpful....but he is a little brother. 
We are halfway through our second week of zoloft.  The doctor said we would not see affects until three to four weeks.  Well I am amazed that I already see a lot of positive changes.  She can now go to the kitchen without the front door being wide open.  She came to bed last night when we did.  She actually went to a friend's house one day and she hasn't done that in awhile. 
At the end of the week I am suppose to up the dosage, but I'm debating about that.  Guess we will play it by ear at that point.  But I'm happy right now that she is having a bit better life. 

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Helping Day

The little man spent a couple of hours working at Pat's house today.  They were splitting and stacking wood.  That allowed the little woman and I to run to Walmart and get a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for Mike when he is released.
When early evening rolled around I got a message from Jeremy.  He starts his new job tomorrow and really needed some help getting proper attire rounded up.  So we trekked on down to Sherwood and helped him out.  It's hard for a young man to get a start if he can't show up for his first day wearing the right clothes.  Here is hoping our small contribution got him on his way and his first day is really good. 
After we got back I had a nice chat with his sister Brittany.  She was thanking me for helping him.  Ah shucks...it was just the right thing to do.  Then we talked about their mom and I was sad.  I knew there was some kind of mental illness there and now I know what.  She commented on losing her mom to this and I got that.  I can't help my friend, but I can give a hand to her son. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019


Dropped the little man at Pat's house.  The little woman and I went grocery shopping and then picked up my mom.  Went back to Pat's and had dinner and cake.  We were celebrating Mom's birthday.  She turned 76 this week.  The little woman asked her how old she was and she said 70.
The great thing about dementia is we could pretend today was her birthday and she was happy.  Even though she has balloons in her room from her actual birthday.  It just doesn't compute for her anymore.  So we had family time.  While we were eating cake she asked if the Milk House was still open.  She worked there when she was a teen.  I just told her that I didn't know.  
Mom is getting frailer and it is sad to watch.  Her tunnel vision is getting worse. She no longer knows Pat's house.  I'm still waiting for the day she asks about dad.  
Today we take what we can get and feel grateful.  It's a hard road our family is on.  

Friday, April 26, 2019

Another Down Day

The little man had a headache most of the day.  He also claimed to feel "weird" off and on all day.  So we just spent the whole day on the couch watching movies and being quiet.  I could tell when it got to be evening that he was finally feeling better.  Luckily for me that didn't mean that his day was going to start then.  We were in bed at an all right time.
Little woman actually fell asleep on the couch....before he fell asleep.  Nice for me to have a free side of the bed.  ;p

Thursday, April 25, 2019


This day started off much better.  I was informed that we need to start each school day with calender.  And so we did.  We talked about the day of the week it was and the date.  This is part of the routine at school and he wants it to continue.  
After that we did some math.  He was much more cooperative than she was.  He wanted to do some multiplication as well as my review work.  And so he did.  And so it goes.
The next thing I know they are working together to put a gingerbread house together.  I had bought it for Christmas, but it got lost in the shuffle.  The little woman found it today and was not going to take no for an answer.  What amazed me was how well they did work together on it.  And their interactions with each other.  There was no pouting, whining or fighting. 
We then decided we needed to get outside and went to Marshall Park.  And a lot of energy got burned off.  The little man was dripping with sweat when we left.  Always good for him.  
I had a thought today that perhaps the push back I have been having this week is again due to the change.  Change is hard and I forget.  Even while this may be what they want, it is still a transition.  So today we are breathing and working on our work.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Days Like These

Today definitely did not go as planned.  The little man woke up in a funk and stayed there.  He tormented my morning and it took the wind right out of my sails.
The home specialist came for his appointment with the little woman.  We are starting her on some breathing exercises and hopefully making a plan for some outlets for her.  He was at a loss on the rest of it, but said he would pass on what occurred today to the therapist.
After he left we did go to the park and that was better.  The little woman actually climbed the rock for the first time ever.  In rubber boots at that. I was so proud of her.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

First Lesson

We started the day with business.  Filled out the homeschool form for the district.  Withdrew both kids from their schools and returned her library book and the game she had checked out from math academy. 
One done with all of that we went home and gathered supplies to go on a bug hunt.  The littles are fascinated with bugs so I thought it would be a great first venture into science.  We have a bug magnifier so we can look closer up at bugs.  Then we checked to see if the pavement ants had ate all the candy the little woman left for them yesterday.  Ants are amazing (outside). 
We went down to the stream and park to see if we could find some different bugs.  We found an assortment of beetles.  We also found a really cool great tiger moth caterpillar.  We loved it's white hairs.  Really made it striking. 
At the end of the night the little man asked me about  homeschooling.  I told him that was what we did all day.  Wait....what?  "You're the teacher?"  That took a moment to sink in and then he was like okay. Guess he did not totally understand what homeschooling was all about. 

Monday, April 22, 2019


Today was a two day session.  The little man and I met with our therapist and our new therapist.  The new therapist starts next week.  We talked about our incident last night.  The little man had a tough time with some big emotions.
That conversation had the therapist contact the home specialist to do a safety check at the house.  And when he came he brought us a gift.  We now have a lock box.  For sharp things, lighters, and prescriptions.  He had to see all the things that are considered "dangerous" and where they were.  We laughed at a few of them.  He did his form and we locked up my matches.  Afterwards he thanked me for the ease of doing this.  I guess some people are a little less willing.
I just wish I would have had that lock box when I had jewelry/ipads/etc.  But we have it now and it locks.  And it's intended purpose is to keep things safe from children.  Especially children who have anxiety and anger issues.
The home specialist and I talked about getting rid of a couple of old prescriptions.  There is a medication drop off thing going on this upcoming weekend at the police station.  So it is a good time to do that.  The intended purpose of the community drop off is to keep some of this stuff out of the waterways and in the ground.  So it is a win win for me.

Sunday, April 21, 2019


After my dad died, we stopped doing Easter dinner. We started going out for Easter Brunch.  And back in the day it was very reasonable for a treat.  Well as time moved on the prices of that brunch crept up.  Last I checked it was running like $35 a person.  For brunch.  I understand what the market will bear and all that.  But it was too much for our tastes.  So we started having brunch at home.
Now naturally we don't have every thing you can get at a brunch at a restaurant.  But in the three years we have done this we have learned what to cook that we like.
This year I made the blintz shells in a frying pan that was perfectly flat.  And that gave me perfectly round shells.  I remember the first year with the not flat pan and the odd shapes we had.  I found a great recipe this year and it is a keeper.
Pat made us all omelettes and cooked up the bacon and sausages.  We had strawberries for the blintzes if desired or they could be ate plain.  It was lovely.
After brunch the little man and I worked in the yard with Pat.  Mom watched TV with the little woman.  Family time.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter Party

Our old neighbor Joe invited us to an Easter party at the neighbor's house.  Always looking for fun things to do we went.  The littles had a blast.  There was painting, animals, food and an Easter Egg Hunt. 
I thought the little woman would really be into the painting, but she was more interested in the animals.  She must have spent at least an hour trying to catch a chicken.  You rarely catch a chicken unless it wants to be caught.  She persevered and did catch one.  Christy, the neighbor, said it was her oldest girl and that the chicken was four years old.  My girl had the biggest smile on her face.  She loves chickens.  She also fed some baby sheep and watched a couple of goslings. 
The little man immediately made a friend and they played the whole time.  They have the same name and thought that was pretty cool.  I spied the little man eating strawberry shortcake.  Later he told me he only ate that and some chips because he misunderstood and thought everyone would eat together.  It explains him eating two steaks at Pat's later. 
I had a lovely catch up with Judy.  The trials and tribulations of raising grandchildren.  What they have done, will do and choices that still could be made.  Her granddaughter is doing therapy also.  We had a lot to talk about. 
We so enjoyed the party and appreciated being invited. 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Field Trips

How it is set up at the little man's school is he goes to the SLC room.  And then he can earn time in his "classroom" with a group of 20 other first graders.  If he earned outside recess or lunch it would be with that class.  So it is considered to be his class even though he has never been in it or met any other kids.
Periodically the first grade teacher sends out emails with announcements for the parents of the class.  I get them because he is part of that class.  So his "class" has a field trip coming up to the zoo.  That is so nice and so much fun.  It doesn't include my little man.  So the email is like a reminder of another thing he doesn't get to do.  Now since he doesn't know what goes on in that classroom he isn't feeling the lack of this fun stuff.  And I have to remind myself of that.  But it truly breaks my heart.
Then I have to take an emotional step back and remember that we are making a change and this is one of the reasons why.  And we can do a field trip every day if we want to.  Well within reason.  Homeschooling does mean no extra income.  But things can be planned and luckily there are a lot of free and low cost adventures to be had.  And I am a whiz at finding them.


It was another day of no one going to school.  And it was the best morning we have had in a long time.  We did not get started homeschooling, but we did do some learning.
I got out the box of Lego's.  The little man went and brought out another box of Lego's.  Then we had a fractions lesson.  Basic.  Easy.  I'm not sure yet how much they took in, but they listened and looked at my visual aid. 
Then we built cool creations.  The little man decided to open a Lego store and had items for sale. So we played store.  He added up how much purchases were and figured out how much change to give.  We didn't worry about cents, but he did excellent with dollars.  Math continued and a good money lesson.  Funny how so much stuff is related.  Money which is home economics is all math.  Lego's are math and engineering.  And it is really cool when it is fun. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019


I am about 95 percent decided that we are going to homeschool.  I got a call from the boy's school about his attendance.  She asked me what I was going to do.  No suggestions for getting him back to school.  I have had no response to my email to the teacher.  I feel completely on my own here.  And that being the case....then we shall plow on and go it alone. 
Then we switch schools.  And I did get an email back from the little woman's teacher.  She had no suggestions, but she did forward the email onto the principal, vice principal, school psychologist and the counselor.  You might think they would have a suggestion.  But I guess not because I have not heard from them either.  I understand with all the changes coming up at that school (new boundaries, new principal and vice next year) that they are pretty busy.  And so my girl falls through the cracks. 
She has always had a bit of anxiety, when you have hindsight.  But it really came to a head last year when her struggles with math started.  Her struggles last year with reading didn't have this affect.  But math amps up that anxiety.  Someone along the line called her stupid and that has overruled every other good thought since then.  It is heartbreaking to hear her refer to herself that way.  She is not stupid.  She does learn differently than how they teach.  That was discovered with the reading.  They had a new computerized test that they did, found her weakness and helped her with it.  She is a great reader now.  Wish it was that easy with math.
So we are going to go on this adventure together.  I'm trying to be positive.  I'm trying to figure out ways to manage my impatience because it has always been an element that hinders teaching.  Maybe we can get over this hump and next year they can go back to normal school.  Or not.  We will play it by ear and take it one day at a time.  Because that is how we roll. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The little man saw his psychiatrist this morning.  He grew another 3/8 of an inch.  He did not gain anymore weight.  We are continuing on with the medication as it seems to have a good outcome.  Not perfect, but so much better than it was.  Sometimes I have to remind myself of that fact. 
The last month though his outbursts have increased in frequency.  Not intensity, just frequency.  I could be totally wrong, but I think it has to do with his anger, unhappiness, loss, etc from switching to the new school. I understand that I have not been educated on all the funness of special education, but I have got to say so much of what they do feels wrong.  At least wrong for my boy.  He has not had an outside recess since he started there.  He has to earn everything.  And while I understand that.....I also know from experience that when he gets outside and burns off some of his energy, he is much better.  So it seems really counter intuitive to make him stay inside and hold that energy and expect him to behave well enough to earn outside time.  Part of his misbehaviors are very much reasons for no rewards.  But answering a question with too much enthusiasm or tapping his pencil are not.  He has never had lunch in the lunchroom.  He has not been to the library.  No PE/ART/MUSIC.  It is six and half hours in his classroom.  It feels like it is taking the life and joy out of the boy. 
I made a comment about homeschooling to the psychiatrist.  He gave me a funny look and said but you lose the social part doing that. That that could be a negative.   Well six and half hours in a classroom and only interacting with those in that classroom is not much social.  And that losing the social part really is old thinking....homeschooling is not not social. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Water Heater Saga

And it continues.  I do not have the best luck with water.  The plumbers came out and tried to tighten the connections.  They said sometimes that is the problem.  Not today.  Seems one of the pieces inside of the heater corroded and that caused it to crack.  And it is not a replaceable part.  Of course not. 
So they installed another water heater.  They tell me it is better than what was there.  I don't know.  We have hot water again without me having to turn on and off the valve.  And since it is time to sell the house it is probably good timing. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

One of Those Days

The little woman had a psychiatry appointment today.  Looking at some anti-anxiety meds to help get over this bump she has.  She seems to be escalating again.  School is wacked.  She is more anxious about school than she is about her brother.  And usually it is the other way around.  I have explained and both therapists have explained that if she goes to school, it is a break from her brother.  I don't know if she doesn't hear it or if school right now is the stronger threat to her brain.
The little man would not go to school, so we had to take him with us.  And that adds a whole 'nother dynamic.  Anyway after an hour and a half it was decided to try some very low dosages of zoloft.  She will need to work up slowly and we won't notice any positive effects for three to four weeks.  Okay then.
We had ups and downs all the rest of the day.  Too much together time.  Saw The home specialist in the afternoon.  He reiterated that they need a break from each other.  I know that.  So we just keep plugging away one day at a time.
And then since it is the 15th, I needed to finish some taxes.  Got mom's done. Always fun.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Water Leak

Oy.  I don't know how last week got past me without a post about the water heater. On Tuesday I went to throw a load in the washing machine.  There was a towel on the floor that had missed the hamper.  When I picked it up, it was heavy.  Wait...what?  Why is the towel heavy?  Well because it was soaking up the water leaking from the water heater.  Oy.
I called the last plumber and they couldn't come out till Tuesday of this week.  A week without hot water seems a bit much.  So I called Sarkinen back and they came out on that day and replaced the hoses going in and out.  The plumber told me if one failed it was likely the other would also.  I don't know if that is true but I had a working water heater again.  To the tune of $325.
A couple days later I decide I should just check that water heater.  Damn.  It is still leaking and it doesn't have anything to do with those hoses.  It is warm water which means it is coming out of the water heater.  It is leaking where the cold water goes in.
Called Sarkinen back. They can't come back until Tuesday of this week.  Oy.  So every time we needed water for dishes, baths and the washing machine, I go out and turn the water back on and then turn it off when we are done with it.  Such a hassle.  Hopefully Tuesday it gets fixed correctly.
It is just one more thing on my already overflowing plate.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

No Calls

No calls today.  Thank goodness.  First I can't answer the landline.  The last phone did get broken several weeks ago.  And I have not gotten around to replacing it.  The only person that affects is me. 
The last week there have been so many calls from schools and reminder calls, it seems like all the phone did was ring.
So it is nice to get to a day when it is quiet. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

Ups and Downs

We have been planning our trip to Hawaii since last summer.  The condo was paid for then.  The rental car taken care of then.  The only thing remaining beforehand was the airline tickets.  Last year those tickets were in the $700 range.  Yeah....not doing that.  I have been waiting all this time for the flights to become a bit cheaper.  This spring they started nudging downward.   A little at a time.  Great prices to fly at times other than when our condo is rented.  Patience.  And more patience.
The tickets finally came in under $500.  I would have preferred under $400, but at this point I think it is the best we are going to get.  I went to the airline to see how full the flight was that we wanted and it was getting full.  So I bought the tickets.  The money had been set aside for that for a long time.  And while I maybe should  not do it being as how our circumstances are changing....I did it anyway.  We will make do in other areas.  This could be our last big trip for awhile.
I had invited Cassie to come out.  I need a babysitter just before our trip and my brother will already be gone as he is going a day earlier than we are.  I wanted the littles to get some nice one on one time also with their mommy.  They have been questioning the living situations and feeling a lot left out.
Naturally I planned and God laughed.  Now the whole family is coming which means my littles just got a back burner. But I remind myself that anything they get is more than they had and they will be happy about it.  So we coordinated and bought tickets so their whole family flies together.  And the littles are excited for them to come.
We had therapy.  And she broke the news to us that she is leaving the Children's Center at the end of the month to move to Arizona.  Her husband got a job there.  It is another change.  Change just sucks in our world.  But we will get through it one day at a time like always.  The littles didn't seem to take it in or it is just more of the same for them.  I took it in and thought great.....another person to explain things to.  As I have stated before....I'm so tired of explaining all the time.
We talked about the school issue and she said if we can't get them to school the only option left is going to be homeschooling.  Yup.  I still can't see how that looks yet.  But I have started already in small ways.  The little man had to write out the shopping list.  We talked about rivers and why they rise.  We talked about protagonists and antagonists.  They liked that one.  They have noticed that all movies seem to have a bad guy. I love how their brains work especially when they share what they are thinking.  I showed the little man the tricks with multiplying nines.  He thought that was cool.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

One Day at a Time

It's my motto.  And I am sticking to it.  Trying not to worry too far into the future.  Breathing.  It's all I can do.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Time For a Change

The little man actually agreed to go to school.  I told him I would pick him up as soon as I could if he went.  Amazingly enough he then went.  And when I picked him up he was having a good pleasant conversation with one of the aides.
The little woman on the other hand is still refusing.  And I don't know how to make that change.  So I went to work and told Liz that something had to change.  I need to look at some other options.  I don't know what they are, but I can't have this clash every single day.  I can't have the unhappiness and anger every single day.  Liz agreed with me and gave me the next couple of weeks off to figure it out.  Everything I can come up with off the top of my head says I will not be employed at the end of this.
Now the home specialist came and he sure didn't seem thrilled with any of the quick ideas I had.  He wants them in school even if they are resisting so strongly.  I looked at him and asked so how do you make them go.  When they truly resist and nothing works...rewards, take aways, etc....how do you make them go? He did not have a ready answer for that.  He has not ran across this in his career yet.  He is just afraid if we do something different it will be lackadaisical....and it might....and they won't get educated.  He seemed shocked when I told him....homeschooling does not have to be 9-3.  It can be all day and in many many ways.  That is one of the beauties of it.  It is flexible to each learner.
Anyway it was good to get his opinion.  But something still has to change because this is not good for us at all.
Whatever we do does not have to be permanent.  It just needs to get us over this hump without too much damage to education.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Terrible Tuesday

This morning no one wanted to cooperate.  No one was going to school.  I did all the standard things.  And nothing worked.  I finally had to give up.  And that was not a good call to work.  My work needs a dependable person who can show up at those 7 a.m. mornings.  So I lost that standing because right now that person is not me. 
And the day never really got better.  I'm sure we were all playing off each other's emotions.  And we need calm here.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Little Woman's First Rush

Oy.  So the littles had a couple of days off last week.  Which means this week sucks. While breaks now seem to be good for us, going back to school routine is not.  So we get to daycare and the little man goes right in.  But not the little woman. 
She has thrown enough fits in the parking lot that we are kind of on probation at the daycare.  They can't have this going on every morning I need to drop them there and we were told this the last time she did it.  So rather than fight, I tried to coax and it didn't work.  I'm not a good coaxer. 
My dilemma is it is the first day of spring rush.  And work is doing it different now.  No extra people hired on a temporary basis to help.  So it is just Brenda and I.  My work ethic clashes with my kid ethic and trying to be respectful of her anxiety.  The only thing I could come up with was to take her with me.  And so I did. 
She spent the first half of the day sitting in a chair and playing on my phone.  Very quiet.  Very good and well behaved.  I was hoping for boredom so she wouldn't want to do this ever again.  That didn't happen.  The second half of the day she started interacting with customers who all interacted back with her.  She was engaging and made lists and lists of places. 
And so......

Sunday, April 7, 2019


I have always had this fascination with clubs.  Starting with those music clubs where you got a whole bunch of albums upfront for a buck and then had to buy so many high priced ones in a set amount of time.  I think I did those like three or four different times. 
I did one of those makeup clubs when I was a younger teen and my mom got me out of it.  I was so disappointed. 
Move ahead to current day and I'm still fascinated with them.  The little woman and I did Fabfitfun and Ipsy.  Neither one held our interest past a couple of times.  One was expensive and the other just gave us stuff we are never going to use. 
We have been doing the imperfect produce for awhile.  But when I didn't even open the last box for a week it was time to cancel.  And we did.  Now we did enjoy the fruits and veggies, just not that regularly. And they changed when we were a few weeks into it.  We will just go to farmer's market this summer for fresh veggies. 
We did Grove for about six months before I got somewhat bored with it.  How many cleaning supplies do you need?  And I can't even think about buying their expensive toilet paper no matter how good for the environment it might be.  So I tried to cancel and it didn't seem to work, but as long as I have nothing in my cart nothing comes. 
I still get their emails and it was time for spring scents.  Oh my.  Lilac.  Lilac is my second favorite scent in the world.  And I debated.  I had gotten an earlier email letting me have a much smaller minimum to have a box come.  And I debated.  I had talked to Rebecca about it.  She, too, loves lilac. 
So I'm at home and maybe having issues with my router.  And I notice that I have dish soap sitting up there from some box months and months ago.  Look at the flavor and it is lilac.  And there is hand soap and all purpose cleaner.  Well yeehaw.  I had totally forgotten having ordered them.  They were set up there to be out of the way. 
I remembered I had a box stashed that I hadn't even opened.  Hence my no longer needing to be a member of Grove.  In it was another bottle of dish soap, this one honey suckle.  I have enough dish soap to last me a couple of years since I don't wash dishes by hand. 
Sometimes I am just too funny.  At least I know when to quit and not just keep buying when I no longer have the need to do so. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Eleven Hours

Eleven hours of sleep is heaven.  I may have even slept longer if the little woman wasn't squirming.  Once a little starts squirming it means sleep time is over.  I think I needed the long night of sleep though.  I feel a bit better. 
I had the weirdest dreams.  I dreamt about a house that we moved into with old wooden floors that had never been finished.  Makes me wonder what the floors were like in my grandparents' old house.  Seems familiar.  I dreamt about weird creatures.  I dreamt about my grandparents farm and houses being across the street from it.  Only in my dream. 
Over the years....I have noticed that the stranger my dreams are, the more stress I seem to be under.  So there is that.  I just am happy to have gotten a great night's sleep.  That I didn't stay up watching netflix and making it a short night.  Sometimes there is something to be said for being able to watch netflix without interruptions.  ;p  Sometimes there is something to be said for sleep. 

Friday, April 5, 2019


I worked and the littles went to daycare.  It was share day so I had no struggles.  Then it turned out the little man didn't get to share because of his choices and he was moved up front to help with the little kids.  He does like that and was very good for that period of time.
I hit the gas station and the grocery store prior to picking up the littles.  Got them and ran the groceries home.  Only put away the perishables as we had an Arby's date to get to. 
Took Arby's to Pat's.  The little man ended up staying the night.  Ahhhhhhh.  The little woman and I came home and she played on the computer.  I vegged a little and am now heading to bed.  Early for a change. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Blessed I'd Say

On one of my facebook groups, someone had posted about their kid playing with a box.  How much fun can be had playing with a box.  So it reminded me of when the little woman had a box.  She and the neighbor girl made it into a house and played with it for a couple of weeks before I recycled it.
In searching for a picture of it I saw so many memories.  We have spent so much time going to parks, on hikes, to kids club, to dizzy castle, camping, yurting, etc.  We have been to MN, IL, IN and CA on planes. We have gone to Disneyland and tried to wrap our arms around Redwoods.  We have played in the San Fransisco Bay.  There have been trips to zoos, childrens museum and OMSI.  We have seen movies and plays.  And we have so many more things we want to experience.
But right now our time seems to be taken up with therapy, home visits, psychiatry appts., and IEPs.  We go to school, we go to work and we go see the therapist.  Between us we now have five to six appointments a week.  It leaves our weekends open, but I am pretty darn tired by then to do too much.  But we are still hitting parks and the farmer's market.  Trying to find balance and peace.
I'm just so happy for all the things we have done.  We are blessed.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

My Turn

I think exhaustion is just catching up with me in a big way.  I just did not feel very well and got all hot and sweaty.  So I took the day off from work and tried to rest.  Made me feel a tad better.
After dinner I took the littles to the park to run some energy off.  He needed it.  I needed him to do it.  I was almost late with his pill again but remembered while we were at the park.  Hence the bottle of pills in the car.  We came home and started a movie.  He was asleep before ten.  Made me night. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Rock

So the little man woke up with a headache and his stomach was hurting.  He does get migraines that make him throw up.  He told me with enough time to try and find a sitter.  And that we did, so I could still work. 
Cheyenne came with friend in tow.  Stuck.  Feeling the need to work and the fear of what goes missing.  Well the answer to that is a brand new tube of cortisone and neopsorin with pain relief.  About $10.  That on top of the money for the babysitting.  And of course I don't know who the culprit is, but it always happens. 
It's just a space between a rock and a hard place. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Back to a Week Day

Monday morning.  Mondays are hard and late start Wednesdays are hard.  So neither child would cooperate.  So we all went to therapy.  I feel like they hijacked my appointment.  We just switched them around.  This became the little man's appointment.  The little woman has hers tomorrow and mine on Wednesday. 
By the time we were done there wasn't any point in arguing about them going to school.  So we had a mental health day.