Monday, April 8, 2019

Little Woman's First Rush

Oy.  So the littles had a couple of days off last week.  Which means this week sucks. While breaks now seem to be good for us, going back to school routine is not.  So we get to daycare and the little man goes right in.  But not the little woman. 
She has thrown enough fits in the parking lot that we are kind of on probation at the daycare.  They can't have this going on every morning I need to drop them there and we were told this the last time she did it.  So rather than fight, I tried to coax and it didn't work.  I'm not a good coaxer. 
My dilemma is it is the first day of spring rush.  And work is doing it different now.  No extra people hired on a temporary basis to help.  So it is just Brenda and I.  My work ethic clashes with my kid ethic and trying to be respectful of her anxiety.  The only thing I could come up with was to take her with me.  And so I did. 
She spent the first half of the day sitting in a chair and playing on my phone.  Very quiet.  Very good and well behaved.  I was hoping for boredom so she wouldn't want to do this ever again.  That didn't happen.  The second half of the day she started interacting with customers who all interacted back with her.  She was engaging and made lists and lists of places. 
And so......

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