Thursday, April 18, 2019


I am about 95 percent decided that we are going to homeschool.  I got a call from the boy's school about his attendance.  She asked me what I was going to do.  No suggestions for getting him back to school.  I have had no response to my email to the teacher.  I feel completely on my own here.  And that being the case....then we shall plow on and go it alone. 
Then we switch schools.  And I did get an email back from the little woman's teacher.  She had no suggestions, but she did forward the email onto the principal, vice principal, school psychologist and the counselor.  You might think they would have a suggestion.  But I guess not because I have not heard from them either.  I understand with all the changes coming up at that school (new boundaries, new principal and vice next year) that they are pretty busy.  And so my girl falls through the cracks. 
She has always had a bit of anxiety, when you have hindsight.  But it really came to a head last year when her struggles with math started.  Her struggles last year with reading didn't have this affect.  But math amps up that anxiety.  Someone along the line called her stupid and that has overruled every other good thought since then.  It is heartbreaking to hear her refer to herself that way.  She is not stupid.  She does learn differently than how they teach.  That was discovered with the reading.  They had a new computerized test that they did, found her weakness and helped her with it.  She is a great reader now.  Wish it was that easy with math.
So we are going to go on this adventure together.  I'm trying to be positive.  I'm trying to figure out ways to manage my impatience because it has always been an element that hinders teaching.  Maybe we can get over this hump and next year they can go back to normal school.  Or not.  We will play it by ear and take it one day at a time.  Because that is how we roll. 

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