Thursday, November 7, 2019

Urgent Care

I should have just taken Mom when Cami called.  She said Mom was rather agitated and had been since the weekend with it getting progressively worse.  Well I called the advice nurse who told me she sent all the info over to Mom's dr. and that they would probably just get her an antibiotic.  They would be calling me to let me know. 
Four hours later with no call back and Cami was ready to call 911 and have Mom taken to the hospital.  So the little woman and I went and picked her up and took her to urgent care.  Took three hours and they weren't busy.  Part of it was just dealing with Mom.  She couldn't pee.  She didn't want to be there and she wanted all of her family to just leave.  She was on a tear. 
They finally managed to get a urine sample and yes she definitely has a UTI.  Got her an antibiotic and then we headed to DQ for a cone.  Once she really realized she probably had a UTI she calmed down.  Took her back to Cami's and put her to bed. 
On our way to pick up Connor the nurse from Kaiser called about my call at noon.  This was after nine at night.  Glad they did finally call back but it was done and over with by then.

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