Saturday, December 21, 2019

State of Grace

Blogged last week about my school mate Warren.  When I blog about other people not in my immediate circle, I try not to give details that aren't mine to give.  That said there have been times I really don't care.  But when I went back to see how Warren is doing now...his daughters are more present online and on social media.  And I would not be a good stalker if I didn't poke around there also.  I want to tell his youngest to quit being so open, but I can't.  It's not my place and that advice would come from my experiences with social media.  But she is not the one on my mind.
Warren's oldest daughter has an illness that is incurable.  I'm not telling tales out of school.  She has a YouTube page and posts live videos on facebook talking about her illness.  Illnesses usually either get better or worse.  Incurable means over time worse.  She has lived with this for a long time.  I didn't go back to find out how long she has lived with this. 
So I watched a video she made about four months ago on facebook.  She was talking about her illness and a decision she had made.  How she came to that decision.  She commented on her weight and a conversation she had with her husband. She was tired.  She is as religious/spiritual as her father.  And so she decided to really leave it in God's hands.  She was stopping western medical treatment.  Her rational in this perfect moment of grace was it was good no matter what happened.  Either she would have a miracle and be cured or she would be received into heaven where there is no illness.  She did not come across as someone who is so sick and just wants it to end.  Sick, yes.  Tired, yes.  But not giving up.  Just leaving it in the hands of God.  Honestly a state of grace.  Then she commented about how since coming to the decision to give it to God she has been breathing better.  No crackles. 
Is she receiving a miracle....I certainly don't know.  But I'm sure whatever she is given she is taking it in a state of grace.  She has a wiseness way beyond her years.  She has a lot to say and is writing a book.
Actually she has written the book and is working on getting it published.  She is self publishing so looking for money.  Here is a link to her gofundme page.  You never know where or when that state of grace will spark with someone.  I am wishing her the best and I admire her in so many ways.  She is talented, funny, creative and smart.  I hope she gets her book published and her miracle. 

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