Neither I nor the car went anywhere today. I managed to fill the second garbage can. And I filled the recycle bin. It was my goal. I'm trying to pull stuff out of the house that needs to go. I really need a dump run, but until then I keep throwing stuff that fits in the cans. I already pay the garbage bill so it isn't adding anything to my budget.
Both Littles have called me this week. They can video chat from the ipads and that is what they do. They do not realize how lucky they are. I don't video chat, but I do with them. So the little man wanted to know if "Dumbo" was still in the theater. When I told him no, he told me I needed to get the Disney app because the movie is really good. And that was all he wanted. I so love seeing his little face.
Then the little woman called today. She wanted to know about the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's. She wanted to know exactly what I saw and I told her about the big dust cloud and sent her a picture of it. No lava down here. And no earthquake. I will share my small earthquake experiences with her another time. Her conversation made me realize that I am living history. And it doesn't seem like the mountain erupting was all that long ago. But it was before even her parents were born. So it really is history for her. I love seeing her mind expand and her being curious about stuff.
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