Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Happy Lucky

Mike from Facebook came and took a good amount of the clothes that were in the Goodwill pile.  He took a couple of things also.  It made a noticeable dent and I was happy. 
My Mike had done some work and I greatly appreciated it.  So I had told him he could take the mini frig and freezer and sell them.  I guess I wasn't clear that it meant he could have the money.  If I wanted the money I could sell them. 
A couple days later the items are still there and he asks if he gets the money.  About this time he also tells me that his tax return that he owed to me for a loan got seized for back child support.  Of course it did.  I should have thought of that.  While he had cleared all the back support a year ago....more has accrued since then. So I tell him yes.  He asks for a ride with the items.  The freezer would not fit, but the frig did.  Well then whoever was buying it flaked.  So I ended up with it riding around in my car. 
So this morning I put the freezer on a sale site.  This afternoon I put the frig on a sale site.
The freezer immediately had a bite and I'm not surprised.  I had heard freezers were another of those items people were buying like crazy.  The woman came over and took it.  And I made some comment about my Goodwill pile.  She asked if she could take a look.  Dang if she didn't take the bakers rack and several pans and a few other items.  I was beyond happy.  My Goodwill pile is shrinking. 
And that means I am almost done with Mom's house.  Feeling lucky and happy. 

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