Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Freezer Please

 Looks like it is time for us to invest in a freezer. We fill up both freezer sections in the refrigerators.  Now granted it is not all the time, but it is most of the time.  Between the normal stuff (frozen veggies, etc) we have all of Pat's lunches and his fish.  I want to put some dog food in there so I don't have to make it every other day. 

Poor Pat.  We just keep dragging him into the modern world.  ;p  We picked up a new to us couch last weekend to replace Mom's old one.  It was pretty dilapidated and in need of replacing. I didn't want to buy a new one since Betsy will still be on the couch and she drools.  Now I'm on the lookout for a new recliner and coffee table.  

We got a bid on a new roof and it was expensive.  One of Pat's friends said it is because of the tear off of the two layers of old roofing. Ahhh that makes sense when it was explained.  So Pat has decided that he will do it himself with a couple of friends.  Okay then.  And then we are putting paint on the list for 2021,

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