Monday, November 16, 2020


 I actually felt like leaving the house today.  I read my last book.  So I had started another one on my phone.  But it just feels wrong reading on my phone in bed.  I need a real book for that place.  I had a couple of disappointments on amazon with books that I ordered through them.  Totally annoys me to get a "short story" by itself and having paid for a book.  I don't mind short stories but I want them in a book with other short stories.  I will probably try again at some point but for now I needed a book store. 

The last time I was in Barnes & Nobles I was absolutely shocked at the prices of new paperbacks and refused to buy one.  I found a few hardbacks by my favorite authors for a greatly reduced half of a paperback and bought those.  So I now need a used bookstore.

Off I went to Literary Leftovers in BG.  You can't sell books back to them anymore as it was not profitable for them.  I get that.  Would have been a great way to not accumulate so many books though.  Anyway I played with their cat.  I found eight books to tide me over for awhile and they gave me a puzzle.  I'm happy.  And I can read my book on my phone the next time I fly.  Seems to work well in that space.  

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