Thursday, November 5, 2020

That's Funny

 I guess it depends on which side of the fence you sit on whether you would find it funny.  Guess you will be able to tell which side I sit on.

So awhile back I read how it is the liberals who are wearing masks and trying to be considerate and safe.  We have a president who refused to wear a mask and pretty much made fun of it. Okay so conservatives are then thinking the whole thing is a hoax or not so bad or whatever.  Not listening to science at all.  And that is all right, they are entitled to their opinion.  

When it comes to the mask issue...I wear my mask because my state has mandated that every one will wear one in a public building and outside if you can't socially distance.  I understand science, but given the choice I probably wouldn't wear one.  I seem to be an exception in my opinion, but I wear my mask.  

So the election comes up and the president tells his supporters to not use the mail in ballots because of the possibility of voter fraud.  Tells them to vote in person.  And they did in the states where they could.  Liberals on the other hand voted in great numbers by mail to stay away from large groups of people.  Following the science. 

So the counting goes on.  Most (maybe all) states counted the in person votes first and those numbers were for the president.  Once those were done they moved on the various mailed in votes and provisional.  Guess what?  Those votes are coming in in great numbers for Biden.  So naturally we now hear from the president that all votes received after 8 p.m. on election day are not valid legal votes and should not count.  Sorry Mr. President, it doesn't work that way.  

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