Sunday, December 11, 2011


Getting ready for the change. Connor will be coming home in the next couple of days. Our whole routine is going to change. I think it is going to slow down even further than it already had. The most important thing we do is meet the needs of Audrie and Connor. It is also the most wonderful thing we do.
I have started the process of going through all the stuff from the baby shower in a trailer. I'm so overwhelmed at the generosity. We have decided that what we can't use we will donate to Options 360. That is a pregnancy clinic that Cassie used when she was pregnant with Audrie. They got a lot of baby things through that. So this will be giving back and on to the next baby in need.
Audrie is playing with all of Connor's new toys. Guess he is learning how to share without even knowing it. I think it will be easier for him than it will be for Audrie. :P
The girls came over last night to spend the night. We had intended to go to the Zoo Lights. It was still freezing in the afternoon and the rain started. I was apprehensive about driving over there and getting stuck with ice. Then I saw that Adrianna had summer shoes instead of warm shoes. So we cancelled that trip. Instead the girls helped Papa cut down our Christmas tree and then we watched "A Christmas Carol". It was our movie from last year, but I missed it since I was up visiting Myk in prison Christmas Eve.
And now I must finish my side jobs so I can go to the hospital and spend some Connor time. Papa said he is a little fussy today and needs holding.

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