I got a call from Myk yesterday. He was in the hospital for an overdose of Meth. By the time I got there he was being released. He was still way high. I dropped him off at the Mill Plain Fred Meyers. Just thought I would let you know that he isn't doing very good. Oh he was also talking about killing himself again. (first time he did that was when he was in jail this last time....I called the jail and they put him on suicide watch). Oh and he was diagnosed with Hepatisis C yesterday.
And he told me while he was still in jail that Cassie is pregnant again.
With the CPS being called on me I can't risk helping him anymore. I am not going to lose my kids for him. I don't want drugs in my house or him being high in my house.
My thoughts on her email;
I am laughing my butt off. First he played her. Then she thinks she is playing all of us. She sent this to Doug also. So for the record as I know it.....
Mike did not overdose. He did take too much and was sleeping it off when the cop became involved. But she doesn't say anything about that. The cop said it was pills.
This is not only the second time Mike has claimed suicide. Nor was the first time the time she called the jail. Mike threatens it every time he doesn't get what he wants.
I have no idea if he really has hep c. I have no idea if he really could get a diagnosis of that in a couple of hours at the hospital.
Nice blip about Cassie. We all already knew that. I have no idea why she thinks she is the person in the know.
CPS was never called because she had Mike over at her house. Although I'm sure that wouldn't look good having a drug addict around. CPS was called because of her and her boyfriend and the abuse they throw at each other and at the girls.
She claims to not want any of the drugs around and yet there is plenty of alcohol in her house. And she keeps trying to rescue Mike and lets him come around. Oh well.....
Because as we all know...I have given up on my child and she is the only family member who can help him. I call hers enabling and I call mine trying to set boundaries.
That said...if my child overdoses for real and dies, I will be sad. If my child commits suicide, I will be sad. I will be sad for the rest of my life. But I already am sad, so it won't be too much new. I am sad at the choices that they both have made and continue to make. I have no control over that and choose to let it go.
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