Thursday, April 5, 2012


We spent almost eight hours at the surgery center yesterday. We arrived early and they took Dave back shortly after we got there. I waited and waited in the waiting room. The doctor came out about 4:15 and said everything went well. Showed me a picture of the neck. He was happy there was room for the screws. I asked about picking up kids. Said Dave could as soon as he feels ready to do so and with great care. Otherwise no heavy lifting for awhile.
I continued my wait. They finally came and got me about an hour later. Dave was in excruciating pain when I went back. He was curled in a fetal position. The doctor came by and was a little upset. He then increased the amount of pain medicine Dave would have at home. The anesthesiologist came by and had them give him more pain medicine and some versaid. That knocked him right out and he slept hard for over an hour. They kept trying to rouse him and he would not wake up. Finally they gave him some narcon to counteract some of the narcotics in his system. As it was explained to the operating room they opted not to give him anymore pain medicine because he was breathing slowly. That is why when he woke up he had so much pain. Hence giving him more meds. They were definitely getting concerned and were thinking he may have to go to the hospital for the night. But he came out of it and we finally got to go home.
Most of the pain in his back seems to be gone now. He is just working on resting and getting over the surgery. He actually seems human again.

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