Saturday, December 8, 2012

Peter Pan

Opening day of "Peter Pan" at The Northwest Children's Theater.  I had bought tickets several months ago to this play to take Jodi and Zach.  I always like exposing people to new things.  As it turned out Zach just started a drama section at school so the timing was divine.
We arrived early enough to walk down to McDonald's and have some lunch and some amusement watching people.  There was a guy whose pants were down around his knees....I swear.  We had a guy singing and a girl who we were pretty sure had just stolen some stuff.  Jodi said it made the people in our town look normal.
The play was spectacular.  All the sets were new and it was lovely.  Even though it was the opening show it looked like everything went off without a hitch.  Jodi loved the pirate character Smee.  It really was quite funny.
After the play we  headed over to Powell's and perused the books for awhile.  We found some books to buy.  I think I got out of there the cheapest I ever had and I still got six books.  Found several in the $1 racks.  Then we spent a few minutes in the kitchen store.  I managed to get a couple more gifts crossed off my list.  :)
All in all a wonderful afternoon.  Thanks Jodi and Zach for going with me.

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