Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Extra Children

My extra kids had birthdays this week. I sent them good wishes. Amazed at how long they have been in my life.
Scott came in the late eighties as a young teen. I got to watch him grow up into a great man. He had this always on sense of humor and I'm sure some folks found that trying sometimes. As he moved into adulthood his parents moved their family to Australia on a new adventure. Scott has had great adventures in his life. He's done some traveling. Met a spectacular woman, married her and has three kids. He just turned 40 years-old.
Josh came into our lives at 8 years-old. He lived up the hill. His life started off adventurous and kept going. He did sports with Mike and became part of our family. He turned 26 today. Still waiting to see what his life will show. Of all Mike's friends he is the only one who is family. And with him came his mom and brother.
I still consider my extra kids part of my family. And that leaves me wondering who the next extra kids will be. I'm sure the littles will have friends who join us. It is one way my family expands and I'm excited about the prospect. My older extras have moved on with their lives leaving room for new ones in our daily life.

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