Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I never think to take completely before pictures.
Worked for a good hour weeding on the other side of the house. I had one plant that I wasn't sure if it was ground cover or a weed.  So some of it came out and some of it stayed.  That whole side was very overgrown.  But nothing compared to the fun I'm going to have in the back yard.
Bindweed is having a heyday and wild blackberries are trying to get established.  Oy.
So the neighbor pointed out the ants on his driveway.  Thousands and thousands.  The same ones that keep coming in the house.  He said they were in  his house too.  I got the bug spray and killed what was on his driveway.  Just making a wee dent in the population. If they would have stayed outside they could just go on their merry way, but they chose to come in.  And that annoys me.

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