Sunday, June 5, 2016

Too Hot

Two day of about 100 degree days.  We holed up both days.  I managed to get some more done on the office dismantling.  Discovered I may have to completely empty the file cabinet before I can move it. Anyway I was able to measure the room to get a feel for how much carpet is going to cost us.
The little man said he would like red.  Well there are many shades of red so maybe tomorrow while Sissy is at school we will take a trip to the store and look at carpet.
Yesterday the kids had a good time with the sprinkler and somehow water got all over the kitchen floor.  Yeah....I have no clue other than wet feet.  It had looked like the little woman had it cleaned up.  And she did mostly.  Except for the little spot I didn't see but felt as I slipped and made my way to the floor.  Guess it was a good time for that as we were just taking it easy.  Rested again today.  I haven't fallen in quite awhile.  Always a pleasant surprise.  NOT.
So Michael posted a saying on my facebook page; "No person who can read is ever successful at cleaning out an attic." I doubt she knows about my love of attics and snooping.  I think she thought of me because as I was dismantling the office I kept finding cool things that distracted me. However as much as I was greatly distracted and amused I will be successful at cleaning the office because it becomes the little man's room.
Here is a cool picture I found.

Maybe tomorrow we get back to the 10000 steps.

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