Monday, September 5, 2016

Monday Monday

Mom was invited to take a little tour of one of the memory care facilities and have lunch.  The littles coming with was not part of the plan.  So I asked Uncle Pat if he would watch them so Mom and I could do that.  It is a holiday weekend afterall and I'm sure my babysitter would be busy.
Well he switched it up and asked if he could watch them at the island while he was fishing.  Of course.
So Mom and I went and did our thing while they did theirs.  Mom really liked the place.  She thought the people friendly and the food good.  So it looks like the search is over.  Now we move on to the next part of that.  Figuring out how the move will happen and when.
After I dropped Mom back at Creekside I went back to the island and spent the rest of the afternoon with Pat and company.  Watched the water and all the boats.  The kids had a blast.  They loved playing on the old Cat that got pulled out of the weeds.  They found caterpillars.  Almost made me want to bring one home to see if we could see it transform.  But alas, we did not have anything to do that with.  Relaxing to spend a couple of hours on the river.
Thanks Pat.  And we are still just taking life one day at a time.

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