Sunday, March 12, 2017

Gun Shows, Gun Stores and Ammo

Well.  My brother is looking for 25-20 ammo and it seems to be hard to come by.  It is for an older rifle that belonged to my grandfather.  I'm looking for a target shooting gun.  So we started out at the gun show at the event center.
He had no success, but the last place we went had had some and intended to get more.  So they took his name and number and told him they would call when they got some in.
I held a lot of handguns.  Amazed at the differences in weight and feel.  Decided I liked the Glock 42 the best and the Ruger 380 next.  A lot to think about.
My friend Doug suggested if I really wanted a 380 that I should look at a Sig Sauer P238.  I couldn't tell you if I handled one of those at the show.  So I'm going to do some more studying and looking.  And if we go target shooting before I buy something I will just borrow the 38 special.  But I really like the feel of the boxy handguns.
After the show we hit a couple of small gun stores.  Talked to some guys.  Didn't buy anything.  Just looking and doing research.  One interesting thing.....a guy told me that the price of ammo has been ahead of gold for the last twenty years.  Meaning the price is more about what the market will bear than anything else.  Now granted when a liberal is in charge of the country the gun folks tend to stock up driving the prices up.  To me that says it is the market and the buyers, not the president who sets the prices for the ammo.

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